International School History - European Schools - S3 -
Bronze Age Greece

S3 Human Science Last update - 02 January 2021 Official European School Human Science Years 1-3 Syllabus: English, French, German.
Unit 5 - History - Bronze Age Greece
Subject Content Lessons Additional resources and external links
The Beginning of Greek History through legends (e.g. Minotaur, Europa, Homer)

Key words: Minoans, monarchy, colonisation  slaves


See the official s3 textbook for the Mediterranean World on Bronze Age Greece.
How do we measure historical time? Lesson (PDF) and Five important questions about history. Lesson (PDF)
Prezi presentation on What is History?

How big is human history? Have a look at this award winning Prezi presentation that demonstrates the relative size of human history.

Introduction to ancient Greece through the BBC school's website. Includes the interactive game 'Greek Hero'.

The British Museum website on ancient Greece.

Video.- This Discovery Channel documentary examines seven wonders of ancient Greece including the settlement at Santorini (Atlantis) and the Palace of Knossos.

BBC series on the treasures of ancient Greece.


What was Minoan civilisation? (PDF) and PowerPoint.

What was the Bronze Age and Three Age System? (PDF) A cartoon explanation of the Neolithic Revolution.

The brilliant Dr Bronowski explains the Neolithic Revolution and the Bronze Age. See complete series.
Short video introduction to Minoan civilisation.

David Attenborough video examines Minoan agriculture and the importance of the bull in the Mediterranean.


Historywiz on the Minoans
Visit the Brussels Cinquantenaire museum's Greek collection

BBC history of the world in 100 objects - Minoan bull jumper
Minoans: a beginners guide from Channel 4

Historian Bettany Hughes series Ancient World.

Video - Minoan civilisation

Longer documentary video from the History Channel - The Minotaur's Island

The myth of the Minotaur. (PDF)

Textbook p.66

Minoan and Myths: what is the difference between history and myth? (PDF)


Greek cartoon video on the myth of the Minotaur.
David Attenborough's fantastic history-geography documentary series of the Mediterranean -  The First Eden. An excellent way to improve your English
What ever happened to Minoan civilisation? (PDF)
Short video introduction to the Atlantis myth.



BBC on the fall of Minoan civilisation
Thira eruption twice as big as previously thought, see this National Geographic article

Colourful BBC slideshow about Santorini today.

Was Minoan civilization the origin of the Atlantis Myth? - excellent longer video

Two recent videos looking to explain the end of Minoan civilisation.

Website that supports the theory that Minoan civilization is the basis of the Atlantis myth.


Who were the Mycenaeans? Lesson (PDF)
See the Brussels Cinquantenaire museum's Mycenaean artefacts.


Who were the Trojans?
Who was Helen of Troy?
Was there really a Trojan horse? (PDF)

BBC Horizon documentary video examines the scientific evidence for the existence of Troy.

Historian Bettany Hughes series Ancient World.

Video - Helen of Troy


What were the Greek dark ages? (PDF)
Bronze Age Greece -
revision quiz.