End of Unit Test on Napoleon
Just as with the Reformation end of unit test, there will be three
parts to the test.
Section 1 - Factual recall. Play the quiz above until
you know the answers to each of the 20 questions and you will be fine.
Section 2 - You will be presented with sources and asked two questions. You will be expected
to compare and contrast the sources. This means you
should identify similarities and differences between the
sources, where they agree and disagree. Secondly, you will be
expected to evaluate the usefulness of an historical source. The
three Rs model should
remind you of the sort of things you need to consider. For the
ambitious, my Bac level PowerPoints on the usefulness of particular
types of sources
will be useful preparation for next year.
Section 3 - You will be presented with two explanatory
questions and you should answer one. There will be three possible
* How much did Napoleon change France?
* How did Napoleon change Europe?
* Why was Napoleon defeated?