I was born,
educated and teacher-trained in Wales and first employed to
teach history and politics at Olchfa School in Swansea from 1993
to 1999. From 1999-2007 I was Head of Humanities at the
International School of Toulouse and between 2007 and
2009 I was Academic Director at the British International School
of Bratislava, where in addition to history I also taught film.
From 2009 to 2016 I taught at the European School Brussels III where
most of this website was originally developed and until 2018 I
taught history, film and ICT at La Côte International School in
Switzerland. After a sabbatical year that enabled me to
help produce a series of new digital textbooks for
Kognity publisher, I am now back teaching history at Ecole
Moser in Nyon, Switzerland.
I am interested in the
application of ICT in the history classroom (especially digital
film) and I am fascinated by philosophical questions in history
teaching concerning epistemology and identity. Many of these
themes are covered in the film below produced by my junior media
club in June 2018.
Richard Jones-Nerzic