International School History - European Schools - S6 2 hour option

S6 2hr History Last update - 05 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Unit 2 - 1914-1921: War and Revolution
Key Questions Lessons Additional materials and external links
What were people's expectations about the nature of the Great War? Timeline of events to learn in this unit.

Worksheet 1 and PowerPoint

Walsh 14-15 GCSE Modern World History

See the opening scene from the film versions of All Quiet on the Western Front.
The First World War
10 part, 2003 Channel 4 documentary series covers all aspects of the war.


Why was the war not over by Christmas? Walsh 16-19 GCSE Modern World History

Worksheet 2 to be completed by hand or e-version.

See the outstanding BBC website on the First World War. And this animation in particular which graphically demonstrates how the war developed.
How did the nature of war change during the First World War? Walsh 20-29 GCSE Modern World History

Worksheet 3

Interactive graphics explains how the machinery of war  and medical science developed.

Why was WWI a 'Second Generation' war?

Excellent BBC documentary on the life of the war poet Wilfred Owen.

Series of short Dan Snow videos made as part of the BBC's commemoration of the WWI centenary (2014).


Why is the First World War described as a 'total war'?
Killing Fields Video on WWI from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.

WWI as a 'total war'. (Worksheet 4 - Diagram and case study of UK)

Walsh 66-76 GCSE Modern World History

WWI propaganda posters.

Women and WWI, (edited essay)

Recent BBC Documentary 'World War One from above' offers multiple new perspectives on the war.

The First World War in Brussels, a fascinating multilingual website covering the social history of the war.
On the geographical extent of the war see episode 3. On the battles of Verdun and the Somme see episode 6.


How did the war weaken the Tsarist regime and contribute to the February revolution? Russia and World War I worksheet 5. Diagram (worksheet 6) to be completed on the causes of the February revolution.

PowerPoint to help you complete the diagram.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 97-107 for background information and 108-110 for activities.

Graham Darby extract on why Nicholas II was forced to abdicate Imaginative video reconstruction that focuses on the role of Rasputin in the March 1917 revolution.

John D Clare on February Revolution.
The First World War
Part 8 examines the impact of the First World War on the Russian Revolution of March 1917.


What is Marxism and how did Lenin adapt it for Russia? Video on the history of socialism and a transcript of the video.

Worksheet 7 - How Lenin adapted Marxism to Russia from Steve Phillips.

Two videos presented by the English Marxist sociologist Stuart Hall and a light hearted but informative video by English comedian Mark Steel.
Why did the Bolsheviks come to power in October 1917? Why were there two revolutions in 1917? PowerPoint

(Worksheet 8a Lecture notes and activity Worksheet 8b)

John D Clare on the October Revolution.

Video of the Russian Revolution in colour.

Why was Germany defeated in 1918? Why was Germany defeated - Worksheet 9 - essay and diagram.
Article - Why the war in Greece contributed to the defeat of Germany.
What were the aims of the peace makers at the Paris Peace Conference? Aims of the peacemakers worksheet 10.

Summary sheet taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.

Cannon et al. IB 20th century world history course companion pp. 13-25

Extract from Culpin and Henig - Modern Europe. Chapter 10 - Peacemaking... (pp. 137-151)

What were the terms of the Paris Peace Treaties?

Short BBC documentary film - Make Germany Pay.

People's Century documentary film - Lost Peace

Extract from Culpin and Henig - Modern Europe. Chapter 10 - Peacemaking. (pp. 151-163)  John D Clare on the Paris Peace Treaties - an outstanding source with many useful links.

A fling the teacher quiz that includes 90 possible questions.

Brilliant documentary - The impact of WWI - Cambridge Historian. David Reynolds traces the legacy of the Great War across 100 years and 10 different countries, examining how the war haunted a generation and shaped the peace that followed.


B Test 2

Week beginning Monday 30th November 2015

How can we learn the causes of the Russian Revolutions and the events and consequences of First World War?

Timeline of essential events in Unit 2. Only facts on these sheets will be covered in part one (factual recall) of the test.
Quiz and advice or try all the questions against the clock.
John D Clare's on Versailles and Russia BBC Bitesize
Podcasts on the Russian Revolution and Treaty of Versailles Mark Steel's amusing activity-quiz on Versailles  and Russian Revolutions
John D Clare's advice on how to revise for history exam.  

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