International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Compulsory Theme - Compulsory Theme 7.4B China since 1949  - syllabus
Key Questions and syllabus references. Lessons Additional materials and external links
Key Question - 1.  How did a new communist state emerge in Asia?


Relevant work from S6. What were the consequences of imperialism for China in 19th century? S6 Worksheet  and Worksheet and PowerPoint on the era of total war which included a section on Nanjing.

Syllabus outline for S7

7.4B China since 1949  - syllabus

Worksheet 1 China Philosophy and Culture and Worksheet 2 edited extracts from Michael Lynch 'outline of Chinese History 1900-45' and a note on the transcription and pronunciation of Chinese words.

Why did Europe colonize China and not the other way around? Interesting extract and fuller version from Jared Steel's bestselling Guns, Germs and Steel. Also see the video.
PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century.

Part 1 is relevant.

Ben Walsh complete textbook Mao's China 1930-76.

John D Clare's revision website on China.

BBC article Big lives, small feet: Photographing China's bound women. Jo Farrell's website


Why did the Communists come to power in China in 1949?

Possible Reference Points: Founding of the PRC (1949)


Part one - long-term causes - deals with the period from 1927-45. Worksheet 3.1 and reading worksheet.

Full PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century.

Part 1 is relevant.


Video on China from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.

A very good  US university summary.

Extract from Jung Chang's Wild Swans.

One Man's Revolution. 20 minute video covering China 1949-76.

Why did the Communists come to power in China in 1949? Part two - short-term causes. The civil war 1945-49 - Worksheet 3.2.


Key Question - 2.  What differences were there between the Chinese and Soviet systems?

Possible Reference Points: Agrarian Reform Law (1950), Marriage Reform Law (1950)


Worksheet 4 - How was China transformed in the period 1949-53?

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1949-53. (18 minutes)

Short video extract from the People's Century series dealing with the same period.

See complete Video

How far did China model itself on the Soviet Union initially?

Key Words - USSR, Planned economy, Heavy Industry, Communism, Nationalism, Dictatorship, Stalinism.

Possible Reference Points: First Five Year Plan (1953-57).

Worksheet 5 - China during the First Five Year Plan (1953-7) and essay planning sheet to help with question 4.

Essential information sheet about Stalin's Russia.

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1953-57. (13 minutes)

Full PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century.

Part 2 is relevant.

Excellent BBC slideshow on art and propaganda of Communist China.

Wikipedia on the Hundred Flowers campaign.

Two useful background videos of the history of Stalin's Russia. The first video is from a 1980s UK documentary, 55 minutes long dealing with the period 1928-41.

The second video is a 20 minute BBC schools dramatic reconstruction about the American John Scott who helped with the building of the industrial town of Magnitogorsk.

JDC on the social consequences of Stalin


Why did China take a different direction so quickly?

Key Words - Destalinisation, Maoism, Mass mobilisation

Possible Reference Points: Great Leap Forward (1958-62) 

Worksheet 6 - The Great Leap Forward and PowerPoint.
As seen in class. Video extract from the People's Century series.

See complete Video

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1958-62. (25 minutes)

Mao's Great Famine - Recent French-Belgium documentary film based on Frank Dikotter's book.

Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Video Mao - Hero or villain?

The brilliant Wikipedia has an excellent summary of the main causes and consequences of the Great Leap Forward and up to date figures on the famine debate.


Why did China take a different direction so quickly?

Key Words - Destalinisation, Maoism, Mass mobilisation

Worksheet 7 - The Sino-Soviet spilt and PowerPoint

Edited video extract from Cold War covering the Sino-Soviet split.



Interesting article on the Smithsonian website suggesting the cause of the Sino-Soviet spilt was Khrushchev's inability to swim.
Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
Why did China take a different direction so quickly?

Key Words - Maoism, Mass mobilisation

Possible Reference Points: Cultural Revolution (1966-69)

Worksheet 8 - The Cultural Revolution and essential additional reading from Jung Chang's Wild Swans.

Video extract from the People's Century series.

PBS documentary video dealing with the period 1962-76. (55 minutes)

Ben Walsh complete textbook Mao's China 1930-76.






Video on China from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.
One Man's Revolution. 20 minute video covering China 1949-76.

Morning Sun, a film and website about the Cultural Revolution.

Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.

Wikipedia on the Cultural Revolution.
Wild Swans - the story of one girl's experience of growing up during the Cultural Revolution. The only book I have ever ripped in half.

Key Question - 3. Did the opening up of China’s economy end the Communist model?

Why was there an economic liberalisation after 1976?
Why was there no change in the political system?

Key Words - Deng Xiaoping,  Socialist Market Economy, Glasnost, Perestroika

Possible Reference Points: Death of Mao (1976), Tiananmen Square (1989),


Worksheet 9 - From the death of Mao to Tiananmen Square (1976-89) Revision table to be completed and editable version.

Edited extracts from the PBS series:

Surviving Mao
New Generation

Tiananmen Square - 20 mins


Video - China since Mao, BBC schools short documentary produced in the 1980s provides a circumspect, contemporary perspective.

Short 5 min Video - Tank Man: The amazing story behind that photo - BBC Newsnight

Documentary about 'Tank Man' in Tiananmen Square 1989

Full PBS documentary covers China in the 20th century.

Part 3 is relevant.

Linda Benson - China 1976-1989. Buy this excellent book here.

How has society changed in China?

Possible Reference Points: Dissolution of the USSR (1991), Transfer of Hong Kong (1997) and Macao (1999), OMC (2001), Beijing Olympics (2008)


Worksheet 10 - China since Tiananmen Square

Revision table to be completed and editable version.

PowerPoint from the lesson.

When China Rules the World - Martin Jacques TED lecture and short extracts from the book.

Video - China Today - BBC Newsnight 2012

What does it mean to be Chinese today? Perry Link article in Foreign Affairs magazine.

Linda Benson - China since 1989. Buy this excellent book here.



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