International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S7 Syllabus: English, French, German
Europe and the World since 1945


the cold war

S7 4 period


15 lessons

1.  Why did the Cold War Start?


2.  What was the Cold War?






3.  Why did the Cold War end?

ˇ    What was the outcome of WWII?

ˇ    Who was involved in the start of the Cold War?

ˇ    What was the ideology behind the Cold War?

ˇ    What were the levels of conflict?

ˇ    How and why did the Cold War change between phases of crisis and relaxation?

ˇ    What influence did the logic of the Cold War have on regional conflicts?

ˇ    What caused the fall of the USSR?

ˇ    What were the consequences of the end of the Cold War for the political world order?

ˇ    Can the UN resolve international conflicts?


Key Words

United Nations, Iron Curtain, Satellite States, Truman Doctrine, Two Camp Theory, Containment, Marshall Plan, NATO, Peaceful Co-existence, Warsaw Pact, The Arms Race, MAD, Domino Theory, Détente, Disarmament, Brezhnev Doctrine, Reagan, Gorbachev, Glasnost, Perestroika, Revolutions in Eastern Europe, Dissolution of the USSR, Religious Fundamentalism, Nationalism.


Possible Reference Points

San Francisco Conference (1945), Yalta (1945)  Potsdam (1945), Establishment of the State of Israel (1948), 6 Days War (1967), Yom Kippur War (1973), Korean War (1950-53), Suez Crisis (1956), Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), Indochina/Vietnam War (1946-75), Helsinki Accords (1975), Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (1979), The Iranian Revolution (1979), Moscow Olympics (1980), Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989, Dayton Accords (1995), 9/11 (2001), The Second Gulf War (2003-11)

Syllabus Links

Europe 4 ˇ Europe 5 ˇ Europe 6 ˇ Europe 7 ˇ 6.4A ˇ 7.4B ˇ 7.4C


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