International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S7 Syllabus: English, French, German
Europe and the World since 1945


Europe from dictatorship to democracy (1974-95)

S7 4 period

12 lessons

1.  How and why was there a transition to democracy in southern European states from 1974?


2.  How and why did the communist regimes of central and eastern Europe collapse in 1989?

3.  How successfully did the newly democratic states meet the challenges of transition?

·         What were different reasons for the collapse of dictatorships in Greece, Portugal and Spain in the 1970s. Comparative knowledge of two countries required.

·         How significant were internal factors to collapse of communism in Europe in 1989? Comparative knowledge of two countries required.


·         What were the challenges facing newly democratic states and how effectively were they overcome?


Key Words

Democracy, Communism, Dictatorship, Fascism, Civil war, Coup d’état, Constitution, Monarchism, Civil Rights, Rule of Law, Liberalisation, Social democracy, War crimes, Federalism, Decentralisation, Balkanisation, Autonomy


Possible Reference Points

Turkey invades Cyprus (1974) Parliamentary democracy established in Greece (1974) Carnation Revolution (1974)  Death of Franco (1975) Charter 77 (1977) Martial Law in Poland (1981) Greece joins  EEC (1981)  Spain and Portugal join EEC (1986) Collapse of Communism (1989) Lithuanian independence (1990), Latvian and Estonian independence (1991), Yugoslav Civil War begins (1991), Velvet Divorce (1993), Dayton Accords (1995), International Criminal Tribunal former Yugoslavia (from 1993), Historical Memory Law – Spain (2007).

Syllabus Links

Europe 4, 5,7 • 7.4A • 7.4B • 7.4C


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