International School History - European Schools - S7 4 hour option

S7 4hr History Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S7 Syllabus: English, French, German
Europe and the World since 1945



europe in the making (1945 to today)

S7 4 period

12 lessons


1.       What were the origins and stages of European construction between 1945 and 1973?


2.       What have been the reasons for increasing European integration since 1973?



·          What factors helped and what factors hindered co-operation between European countries after 1945?

·          A Europe of cooperation or a supranational Europe?

·          What were the main stages of European construction 1945-57?

·          What countries joined the process of European construction up to 1986? Why did they join?

·          What were the characteristics of enlargement after 1986?

·          Which aspects of deepening integration were chosen and why?

·          What have been the challenges and opportunities?


Key Words

Supranational Europe, Co-operation.


Possible Reference Points

O.E.E.C. (1948), Council of Europe (1949), Schuman Plan (9 May 1950), E.C.S.C. (1951), Failure of E.D.C. (1954), Treaty of Rome and the E.E.C. (1957), European Union (1986), Maastricht Treaty (1992), Lisbon Treaty(2007)

Syllabus Links

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