People's Century 4 - Lost Peace 1919


PBS People's Century website: content related to specific episodes, including interviews, teacher's guides, stories, and program descriptions


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1 Age of Hope 1900
The start of the 20th Century
2 Killing Fields 1916
World War I
3 Red Flag 1917
The Russian Revolution
4 Lost Peace 1919
The League of Nations
5 On the Line 1926
Mass production
6 Great Escape 1927
7 Breadline 1929
The Great Depression
8 Sporting Fever 1930
Sport as mass entertainment
9 Master Race 1933
Nazi Germany
10 Total War 1939
World War II
11 Fallout 1945
Nuclear energy
12 Brave New World 1945
The Cold War
13 Freedom Now 1947
Decolonisation in India and Africa
14 Boomtime 1948
Economic boom in the West
15 Asia Rising 1951
Japan and South Korea's growth
16 Living Longer 1954
Illness and Medicine
17 Skin Deep 1957
Racism and the civil rights
18 Endangered Planet 1959
19 Picture Power 1963
20 Great Leap 1965
21 New Release 1968
The Baby Boomer generation
22 Half the People 1970
The emancipation of women
23 War of the Flea 1973
Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan
24 God Fights Back 1979
25 People Power 1989
Collapse of communist regimes
26 Fast Forward 1997

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