International School History - European Schools - S4 -
Medieval feudalism

S4 History Last update - 30 April 2023 Official European School History 4-5 Syllabus: English, French, German.
Unit 2 - Medieval feudalism, village and town.
Key Questions Lessons Additional resources and external links
What was the feudal system? Worksheet PDF Medieval fiefdom website. Previous student feudal system designs.


A video series for the more ambitious students as Professor Robert Bartlett, explores different aspects of medieval life.

In this episode he considers power.

What was good medieval kingship? Video David Starkey on medieval monarchs.

Worksheet PDF and follow-up lesson



Monty Python's Terry Jones has an amusing and challenging look at English monarchy in this video.

How to be successful in the medieval court. Video

Illuminations: The Private Lives of Medieval Kings - A three part documentary series. Dr Janina Ramirez interprets what medieval manuscripts can tell us about medieval kings.


How did a medieval village work? Worksheet PDF PowerPoint from the lesson.

Helen Castor- Medieval Lives: Birth, Marriage, Death - 2013 video


BBC Medieval Realms video on the deserted village.


What was it like to be a medieval peasant? Worksheet PDF Video on the life of the medieval peasant

History Learning Site on the life of medieval peasants. PowerPoint from the lesson.
Extra video on worst jobs in medieval Europe.

Historian Michael Wood explores medieval village life through the eyes of one peasant woman Christina a medieval life. (video)


What were medieval towns like? Worksheet PDF and PowerPoint


Video about medieval Bruges
Image for Revolutionary Paris
Dan Snow video looks at filthy medieval London.


What were medieval guilds and what did they do? Worksheet PDF and PowerPoint


Could women take part in medieval guilds? Article.

Apprenticeship - Being a teenager in medieval Europe. BBC article.

Names and occupations - is your name derived from a job in the medieval ages? (multilingual website)


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