International School History - European Schools - S6 2 hour option

S6 2hr History Last update - 05 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Unit 3 - 1922-1934: Boom and Bust
Key Questions Lessons Additional materials and external links
What were the immediate consequences of the Paris Peace Treaties?

Timeline of events to learn in this unit.

People's Century documentary film - Lost Peace


Extract from Culpin and Henig - Modern Europe. Chapter 10 - Peacemaking. (pp. 151-163) 
What was the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany? Walsh GCSE Modern World History 88-90

Supplementary worksheet

Make Germany Pay - video


What is fascism? Worksheet

Video - the brilliant David Reynolds explains how the First World War caused fascism.


Extract from Robert Pearce Fascism and Nazism. Video on Fascism today. Video on Italian Fascism in Colour.


Who was Adolf Hitler and what did the Nazis stand for in the 1920s? Walsh GCSE Modern World History 148-50

BBC Video shown in lesson on Hitler's background



Hitler's rise to power dramatic reconstruction. John D Clare - Nazi Party 1919-29
How did the Bolsheviks consolidate their power? Worksheet timeline of 1917-1924. All but one date can be found in Walsh GCSE Modern World History 117-125

PowerPoint on how does the state control people?


Video on Russia after the revolution 1917-24.
What was the American boom of the 1920s and why did it happen? Worksheet Boom and Bust 5. Video on Henry Ford's revolution of the car industry.

Worksheet Boom and Bust 6

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 182-90. On American international isolationism see pages 228-30.

Full length video on the impact of the production line in the world economy of the 1920s and 30s.

Website for episode


How does the US political system work? Information sheet.


To what extent were the 1920s in America 'roaring'? BBC video The Roaring 20s PowerPoint Walsh GCSE Modern World History 194-5. Complete activity on page 195.

The dark side of USA 1920s - Summary sheet taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE and worksheet to be completed. Walsh GCSE Modern World History 196-210.


Documentary video on the history of cinema begins with the Golden era.

Website for episode

BBC Video series 'American Voices' on immigration, the boom and Black Americans.

Alistair Cooke's America is a classic 13 part history of the USA produced in 1972.

Episode 10


What caused the Wall Street Crash and how did America respond? Wall Street Crash worksheet. Walsh GCSE Modern World History 211-2.

The New Deal - Summary sheet taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE Walsh GCSE Modern World History 213-220

BBC video The New Deal


BBC Bitesize on USA
People's Century video on the impact of the Great Depression around the world.

BBC Video series 'American Voices' on the Depression and the New Deal.


Alistair Cooke's America is a classic 13 part history of the USA produced in 1972.

Episode 11


How did Stalin come to power? Worksheet from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 126-7


Video on Stalin's rise to power.

Video - dramatic reconstruction of Stalin's rise.

How did Stalin economically transform Russia? Video on Stalin 1929-41 

Worksheet to be completed from Walsh GCSE Modern World History 128-32

Summary sheet taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.


Video - Dramatic reconstruction based on the classic account of American communist John Scott.

JDC on Collectivisation  and Five Year Plans

BBC Bitesize on Russia

How did Hitler win power? Nazis: A Warning from History Video shown in class.

Summary diagram explaining outlining the reasons for Nazi success.

Hitler and the Nazis 1918-30 extract taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.

Walsh 148-155 GCSE Modern World History


Questions to go with the video. Hitler's rise to power dramatic reconstruction.

SchoolHistory online activity John D Clare - Nazi Party 1919-29 and How Hitler became Chancellor (limp paper is the 9 point mnemonic for essay purposes - can you reorganize this into 4-5 paragraphs?)


B Test 3  - Tuesday 10th March
Timeline of essential events in Unit 3. Only facts on these sheets will be covered in part one (factual recall) of the test.
Quiz and advice or try all the questions against the clock.
John D Clare's advice on how to revise for history exam.
BBC Bitesize on Russia, USA and Germany

About I Contact Richard Jones-Nerzic