S6 4hr History |
update -
13 May 2023 |
Official European
School History S6 Syllabus:
German |
Optional Theme - 6.4D Warfare in the 20th Century -
syllabus |
Key Questions and learning and assessment
objectives. |
Lessons |
Additional materials and external links |
What are
the key organisational themes of the changing nature of warfare? |
Lecture -
PowerPoint. |
Two relatively recent
documentary series provide a relevant overview of aspects of the
changing nature or warfare
Niall Ferguson, 2006,
The War of the World. From the Russian Revolution in
1905 to the massacres in Bosnia in the 1990s, we see that
the world was at war almost continuously throughout the last
century. |
Saul David, 2013,
Bullets, Boots and
Bandages. The 'real stories of how wars have been won
and lost throughout history - not in the bravado of the
frontline, but in the backroom sinews of military planning' |
What was
warfare like before the industrial revolution? |
Video - Battlefield amputation in Napoleonic Europe. |
Watch any of the
battle scenes from the
film of Waterloo. Short
history of the development of firearms.
How and why did the nature of warfare change
during the 19th century? |
Worksheet 1 and
Worksheet 2 with activity. |
graphic explains how a machine gun works. |
What were people's expectations about the nature
of the Great War? |
Worksheet and
PowerPoint Walsh 14-15
GCSE Modern World History
the opening scene from the film versions of
All Quiet on the Western Front. |
Why is the First World War described as a 'total
war'? |
WWI as a
'total war'. Mindmapping, notemaking activity
worksheet Walsh 20-29 and 66-76
GCSE Modern World History
Killing Fields
on WWI from the 1990s documentary series People's
Website for the series. |
case study
of UK
The First World War in Brussels, a fascinating
website covering the social history of the war.
propaganda posters.
BBC documentary
on the life of the war poet Wilfred Owen.
Time Team archaeological excavation of a World War I trench. Recent BBC Documentary 'World
War One from above' offers multiple new perspectives on the
Women and WWI, (edited
On the geographical extent of the war see
episode 3. On the
battles of Verdun and the Somme see
episode 6. |
Full length
documentaries on the Somme and Verdun.
How did
the nature of war change in the period 1914-18? |
Worksheet to be completed on the five themes of the nature
of warfare. Interactive graphics
explains how the
machinery of war and
medical science developed.
Series of short Dan
videos made as part of the BBC's commemoration of the WWI
centenary (2014). |
Warfare in the Interwar years: how had the nature
of war changed by the 1930s? |
Worksheet and
PowerPoint on the era of total war |
the role of League of Nations in Manchuria and Abyssinia see
these short
revision clips.
Video -
Simon Schama on Picasso's Guernica.
Video -
Ken Loach's film about the Spanish Civil War, inspired by
Orwell's Homage to Catalonia.
Old documentary
video using
archive film of the Spanish Civil War and
Kline's - Heart of Spain a rare contemporary documentary.
For the massacre at Nanjing see the
video John
Rabe - The Good Nazi of Nanking
How have
historians debated the causes of World War II? |
The three main
theories that explain WWII:
1. Inevitable? -
extract from Culpin and Henig.
2. Hitler's war? -
extract from Darby
3. Guilty Men? -
extract from Darby
Short essays on the
causes of WWII:
Graham Darby,
Andrew Crozier and
John Charmley. Extra materials:
Darby on
British and French foreign policy as a cause of war and why
they went to war for
Poland in 1939. McDonough on why war broke out in
Video - BBC 20th
Century History File - Why appeasement?
video of AJP Taylor on the causes of World War II and short
revision clips.
The website of Laurence Rees. The BBC writer producer of the
landmark documentaries. |
Total war? What were the similarities and
differences between the First and Second World War? |
Worksheet and
table to be completed comparing and contrasting World Wars I
and II as total wars.
Total War
on WWII from the 1990s documentary series People's
Website for the series. |
Reminder of WWI as a
'total war'. Mindmapping, notemaking activity
which should have been completed in Semester 1.
The entire 1970s series the
World at War.
Apocalypse the series that colourized World War II.
How did
the nature of war change in the period 1935-1945? |
to be completed on the five themes of the nature
of warfare. |