S6 4hr History
update -
05 May 2023
Official European
School History S6 Syllabus:
English ,
French ,
Unit 2 - 1914-1921: War and Revolution
Key Questions
Additional materials and external links
What was
warfare like before the industrial revolution?
Timeline of events to
learn in this unit.
Worksheet .
Watch any of the
battle scenes from the
film of Waterloo.
How and why did the nature of warfare change
during the 19th century?
Worksheet 1 and
worksheet 2 with activity.
What were people's expectations about the nature
of the Great War?
Worksheet and
Walsh 14-15
GCSE Modern World History
the 1930 film version of
All Quiet on the Western Front .
Why was the war not over by Christmas?
Walsh 16-19
GCSE Modern World History
Worksheet to be completed by hand or
the outstanding
website on the First World War. And this
animation in particular which graphically demonstrates how
the war developed.
How did
the nature of war change during the First World War?
Walsh 20-29
GCSE Modern World History
and supporting
Killing Fields
on WWI from the 1990s documentary series People's
Why was WWI a 'Second
Generation ' war?
BBC documentary
on the life of the war poet Wilfred Owen.
Recent BBC Documentary 'World
War One from above ' offers multiple new perspectives on the
Why is the First World War described as a 'total
WWI as a
'total war'. (Diagram
case study of UK)
Walsh 66-76
GCSE Modern World History
propaganda posters .
Women and WWI, (edited
essay )
On the geographical extent of the war see
episode 3 . On the
battles of Verdun and the Somme see
episode 6 .
What makes a source useful? A case study of WWI.
What is the 'source matrix'?
What is the difference between
history and heritage?
Worksheet . covering the 3Rs usefulness model and the 'source
matrix'. Copies of all the
source cards used in the lesson.
The usefulness of sources
of the website provides a detailed examination of the
usefulness of the most popular types of source found in
examination. .
guide to using documents. This document introduces the
model and offers advice on using a range of different sources
like statistics, autobiographies and cartoons.
J Bronowski - History as art and science -
How did the Tsar survive the 1905 revolution but
not the revolution of 1917?
sheet taken from James Mason
Modern World history to GCSE . Walsh 104-107
GCSE Modern World History
What is the difference between literature and
Extract from Figes with questions on the 1905 revolution.
How did the Tsar survive? -
PowerPoint .
extract on the October Manifesto and a second
extract on the first meeting of the Duma.
Graham Darby
extract on how the Tsar survived the 1905 revolution
and an
extract on how stable the Tsarist regime was before
How did
the war weaken the Tsarist regime and contribute to the February
Russia and World War I
worksheet .
Diagram to be completed on the causes of the February
to help you complete the diagram.
GCSE Modern World History
97-107 for background information and 108-110 for
The First World War
Part 8 examines the impact of the First World War on the
Russian Revolution of March 1917.
Graham Darby
extract on why Nicholas II was forced to abdicate Imaginative
reconstruction that focuses on the role of Rasputin in the March
1917 revolution.
Importance of war
diagram .
What is
ideology? What is the ideological spectrum.
Political Compass website survey of your political position
on the ideological spectrum.
and Right
concept diagram and comments from the
blog discussion.
What is Marxism and how did Lenin adapt it for
1859 preface and the unanimated
that tries to explain it.
Video on the
history of socialism and a
transcript of the video.
How Lenin adapted Marxism to Russia from
Steve Phillips .
presented by the English Marxist sociologist Stuart Hall and a
light hearted but informative video by English comedian
Mark Steel .
For economics students, this three part
documentary series
includes an episode on Marx.
Communist Manifesto (edited to essentials)
Why did
the Bolsheviks come to power in October 1917?
on why there were two revolutions in 1917 and extended
text version. Graham Darby
extract on why the Provisional Government failed.
Timeline of 1917.
Lenin in 1917 by Figes.
Walsh 114-116
GCSE Modern World History
Video of
the Russian Revolution in colour.
John D Clare on the October Revolution.
Role of the individual in history
extract from E H Carr's
What is History? and
questions to consider. An
essay by McDonough. Documentary
video on
Why was Germany defeated in 1918?
was Germany defeated (essay )
diagram .
What were the aims of the peace makers at the
Paris Peace Conference?
sheet taken from James Mason
Modern World history to GCSE .
Extract from Culpin and Henig -
Modern Europe . Chapter 10 - Peacemaking... (pp. 137-151)
What were
the terms of the Paris Peace Treaties?
Paris Peace Treaties role-play activity.
role-plays .
Short BBC
documentary film - Make
Germany Pay.
Extract from Culpin and Henig -
Modern Europe . Chapter 10 - Peacemaking. (pp. 151-163)
John D
Clare on the Paris Peace Treaties - an outstanding source
with many useful links.
A fling the teacher
quiz that includes 90 possible questions.
How effective were the peace treaties?
Walsh 20-29
GCSE Modern World History
Judgements of various 'historians' on the treaties compiled
by John D Clare
Essay by Hans
A. Schmitt
E ssay
by Raffael Scheck
of essential events in Unit 2 and
Fling the Teacher
Quiz .
Or try another quiz
with all the questions in one go!