Get some
general revision advice to begin with. I wrote this
'top 10 tips' for IB
students a few years ago and much of what I say applies to you.
Similarly the great John D Clare wrote
these detailed guidelines for his English GCSE historians.
In Year 6 the exam is three periods long, in Year
7 it is four periods The exam is divided into two sections. In
the first section you will be expected to analyse 5 sources, in
the second section you will write an essay.
The sources
In Year 6 Summer 2013 the topic for the source
analysis is The Causes of World War II.
The paper will be four questions just as you
have been taught to
S6 4hr History Summer Exam
- Past papers and markschemes
The first question checks your comprehension
of key terms and your ability to understand and interpret the
In the second question you will be expected to
compare and contrast two of the sources. This means you should
identify similarities and differences between the sources, where
they agree and disagree.
The third question asks you to evaluate the
usefulness of two sources. You do not need to compare the
sources but rather consider how useful the sources are in
helping us to find out about the past. You need to identify
strengths and weaknesses of both sources. For example, the
source may be very relevant to question we are considering but
it might not be very reliable. The
three Rs model should
remind you of the sort of things you need to consider.
The usefulness of sources
of the website provides a detailed examination of the
usefulness of the most popular types of source found in
Finally, you will asked to use all the sources
and your own knowledge to answer an essay style question. The question will be contentious,
something that will invite discussion. It is likely to be only
partly true. Your job is to use the sources - making sure to
refer to them in your answer - and use your own knowledge to
support your answer. This is an opportunity to show what you
know in addition to the information contained in the five
The essays
You will write one essay from a choice of
The topics are:
1. Hitler's Germany
2. The USA in the 1920s and 1930s
3. Stalin's Russia.
Test your factual knowledge in this quiz that
covers all the work covered in the second semester.
With 82 possible
questions, you will be asked 20 random questions every time with
only 10 seconds to answer.