S7 4hr History |
update -
17 May 2023 |
Official European
School History S6 Syllabus:
German |
Compulsory Core - Europe 7 - Europe in the Making
(1945 to Today) -
syllabus |
Key Questions and syllabus references. |
Lessons |
Additional materials and external links |
1. What
were the origins and stages of European construction between
1945 and 1973?
What factors helped and what factors hindered
co-operation between European countries after 1945?
A Europe of cooperation or a supranational
Key words: Supranational Europe, Co-operation.
Worksheet 1 - The
origins of the European Project.
PowerPoint from
the lesson.
Winston Churchill's 1946
Zurich speech and text.
2015 film by the European Council tells the story of the
EU through the lives of the founding fathers. 30
minutes. |
The outstanding
Navigator website is a comprehensive, multilingual
history of the EU. |
This section of CVCE deals with Europe in the
immediate postwar period. Churchill's Zurich speech is
here. The Hague meeting
European Virtual School project on the history of the EU.
A four minute
film on the
history of the EU. |
What were the main stages of European
construction 1945-57? Possible Reference Points:
O.E.E.C. (1948), Council of Europe
(1949), Schuman Plan (9 May 1950)
Worksheet 2 - The
Schuman Declaration Short
video of Schuman. |
Extract from Tony Judt's
Postwar on the Origins of the EU.
Tony Judt on Postwar
Benelux and why Britain didn't join.
Short biographical
film about Robert
Schuman (French) Brief histories on the
official websites of
OEEC and
Council of Europe. |
Possible Reference Points:
E.C.S.C. (1951),
Failure of E.D.C. (1954), Treaty of Rome and the E.E.C.
(1957) |
Worksheet 3 -
Europe 1951-57 – Community and its Confines.
Extract from Tony Judt's
Essay plan 'How integrated was Western Europe
by 1957?'. Worksheet for
handwritten or
completion. Suggested
for inclusion.
Establishing the
EEC and Eurotom
2015 film by the European Council tells the story of the
EU through the lives of the founding fathers. 30
minutes. |
factors helped and what factors hindered co-operation
between European countries after 1945?
countries joined the process of European construction up
to 1986? Why did they join?
Key words: Supranational Europe, Co-operation.
Worksheet 4 - Europe 1957-73:
Integration, controversy, expansion and oil. |
2. What
have been the reasons for increasing European integration since
1973? What countries joined the
process of European construction up to 1986?
Why did they join?
What were the characteristics of enlargement
after 1986? Possible Reference Points:
European Union
(1986), Maastricht Treaty (1992) |
Worksheet 5 -
Europe 1973-92 |
Excellent animated
map showing the enlargement of the European Union since its
foundation in 1957.
video on Britain and the Maastricht Treaty. |
Which aspects of deepening integration were chosen and why?
What have been the challenges and opportunities?Possible Reference Point:
Lisbon Treaty(2007)
Worksheet 6 - Europe since Maastricht.
table for enlargement and integration since 1973 or as
Word Document. |
animation that explains the changes to the EU brought about
by the Lisbon Treaty. |