Central and Eastern European States -
after communism
Post-communist Central and
Eastern Europe faced a number of serious barriers to the peaceful
transition to democracy and market economies. We can identify four major
interrelated problems.
The first of these was the lack of democratic
traditions. Only Czechoslovakia amongst the former Eastern Bloc regimes
had any real democratic experience prior to the Second World War. And
this was as much a social and cultural issue as much as it was a
self-evident political problem. The social groups that had led
opposition to communism were not democratic political parties but broad
groupings of a wide range of different interests groups, united by what
they opposed rather what they stood for. Now that the common enemy was
defeated, what did the opposition want to do and in whose name were they
going to do it? The second problem resulted from the limited, peaceful
nature of the revolution. The communist party may have been swept aside,
but the communist state with its organisational apparatus (including
bloated security forces) and personnel (nomenklatura ) were very much
still in place. A liberal democracy requires more than periodic
elections; it requires legitimate state structures attuned to the needs
of constitutionality and personnel committed to upholding constitutional
practices. Put simply the problem was that building liberal democracy
would have to rely upon communist builders. The third problem was
perhaps the most pressing. Had the Eastern Bloc economies been able to
sustain the levels of economic growth achieved in the 1950s, there would
never have been revolutions in 1989. In 1990, the new leaders of
post-communist states faced the problem of resolving the economic crisis
that had brought them to power in the first place. The moribund command
economies were to be exposed to the harsh realities of the global market
and the people would no longer be protected by a state that was
ideologically established to do so. Furthermore, many of the opposition
groups that were now in power, most notably Solidarity had been formed
to protect their members from the very forces of marketisation that they
were now expected to introduce.
Key economic indicators 1988-1990
Economic Growth (%)
Inflation (%)
Source: Rebuilding Eastern Europe (Deutsche Bank
Economics Department, 1991)
The final problem was socio-cultural. The communist
state was much more than an economic or political system, it had
attempted to intervene in all aspects of the individual’s life; it was a
totally different form of what American political scientist Ken Jowitt
described as Leninist ‘civilisation’. (Ost: 5) After the socialist
utopian dream had faded, people’s emotional energy had been dedicated to
the movements that had opposed communism. Now that this was achieved,
would people make an emotional commitment to the market? The inherent
problems of economic transition to the market economy were accompanied
by the loss of traditional support structures and the great fears that
come with uncertainty. It is not surprising that people sought solace
and explanations for their emotional needs in the very irrational
attachments that communism had worked so hard to replace: religion and
nationalism. Newly democratic politicians, unable to provide answers for
economic malaise, exploited the emotional power of tribal and religious
affiliation with devastating consequences for the region, most notably
in Yugoslavia.
In contrast to the peaceful nature of
the velvet revolutions of central and Eastern Europe of
1989, events that led to the break-up of the communist
state of Yugoslavia were the most violent seen in Europe
since the end of the Second World War. During a ten year
period beginning with the war in Slovenia in 1991 though
to the Macedonia conflict in 2001, more than 140 000
people were killed and considerably more made homeless
and/or displaced.
The wars were characterized by an
unusual brutality, that included ethnic cleansing,
systematic rape and the deliberate destruction of
priceless historical and cultural artifacts. In 1993 the
United Nations established the International Criminal
Tribunal in The Hague for the former Yugoslavia, where
more than 150 individuals have since been indicted for
war crimes.
The reasons for the violence revolve around
the fundamental weaknesses in the concept of Yugoslavism
itself. The country was a conglomeration of six regional
republics and two autonomous provinces. These eight
federal units were the six republics: Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia,
and two autonomous provinces within Serbia: Kosovo and
What had held Yugoslavia together was not the
common ethnic identity of 'South Slavism' (what
Yugoslavia means) but rather Marxist ideology, relative
economic prosperity and the leadership of Jozip Broz
Tito. Tito died in 1980 and by then the economy, as in
other parts of the Eastern Bloc, was already in decline.
Gorbachev and events in Eastern Europe produced a crisis
of legitimacy for Marxism and consequently 'the glue
that held Yugoslavia together, the League of Yugoslav
Communists' simply disintegrated. (Stokes: 241) As in
Poland, Yugoslavia under the leadership of Ante Marković,
underwent market orientated, economic 'shock therapy' in
1990. But unlike in Poland the unpopularity of the
measures was successfully exploited by politicians
within the regional republics for nationalist political
ends. The different Yugoslav states had distinct visions
for the future of Yugoslavia.
The economically powerful
states of Slovenia and Croatia favoured greater autonomy
for the regions within the Yugoslav confederation,
whereas the politically powerful state of Serbia under
the leadership of Slobodan Milošević
favoured strengthening the power of the centre in
Belgrade. On June 25, 1991, Slovenia and Croatia became
the first republics to declare independence from
Yugoslavia. With well established borders and no
significant ethic minority groupings Slovenian
independence presented relatively few problems. In
contrast, Croatia with its significant Serbian minority
and history of anti-Serbian persecution, could only
declare independence at the expense of Serbian national
The Croatian War of Independence began
in April 1991 when Serbian minorities in Croatia
declared their independence in the form of the Republic
of Serb Krajina. Full scale civil war was underway by
the late summer and resulted in the destruction of
border town of Vukovar and shelling of Dubrovnik, a
UNESCO world heritage site. In 1992, war spread to
Bosnia, to which both Serbian and Croatian nationalists
lay claim. Bosnian Serbs led by Radovan Karadzic and
backed by Serbia faced Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) and
Croats backed by President Franjo Tudjman in Zagreb. The
Bosnian conflict with the sieges of Sarajevo and
Srebrenica were the bloodiest of the Yugoslav Civil War.
The war ended with the signing of the Dayton Agreement
in December 1995, after successful military action by
Croatia had restored its 1991 borders. The Former
Republic of Yugoslavia recognised Croatia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina in 1996. Conflict continued in the region as
Albanian national minorities in Kosovo, Macedonia and
Central Serbia sought greater autonomy. The three year
conflict in Kosovo only ended with NATO bombing of
Serbia in 1999. Slobodan Milošević was put on
trial in The Hague in 2002 but died a few months before
the verdict was due in 2006. Radovan Karadžić was
captured in Belgrade in July 2008 and like
Milošević faces war crimes charges in The Hague.
The instability in the region continues with the
disputed declaration of independence of the Republic of
Kosovo in February 2008.
Poland after Communism
‘When Solidarity won, Polish workers lost… with the
one group that could control them [the workers], Solidarity, chiefly
interested in promoting the marketization causing the emotional
distress, a political crisis was inevitable’ The Defeat of Solidarity
8-9 - David Ost As we saw earlier, unlike Western Europe, Poland in 1989
was still very much an industrial rather than a post-industrial society.
60% of the workforce might be described as blue-collar, essentially
working with their hands. In addition, about a quarter of the workforce
was employed in agriculture. Three other points are worth highlighting.
Firstly, for the previous 40 years, these workers had been living in a
state which had at least in principal been organised in their interest
and justified on those terms. Secondly, as we have seen, the revolutions
of 1989 had been inspired by the example of their trade union,
Solidarity, which was at heart a working class organisation, established
to defend them. Finally, they had been led in this revolution by Lech
Wałęsa, who without any question was as ‘working class’ as any of them.
And yet, by sweeping aside communism in 1989 and replacing it with
political freedom and democracy, they also swept aside the workers
‘organic labour state’ and replaced it with economic liberalism and the
After the euphoria of their victory over the communist state had
subsided, the workers, the vast majority of the population, would be on
their own to face the vagaries of international capitalism. On September
12th, the Sejm voted approval of Prime Minister Mazowiecki and his
cabinet. For the first time in more than 40 years, Poland had a
government led by non-communists. In May 1990, the first free local
elections took place and Solidarity dominated. In July, the Cabinet was
reshuffled to remove the last remaining communists. In October 1990, the
constitution was amended in order to allow the departure of President
Jaruzelski. And in December Lech Wałęsa became the first Polish
president elected on a popular vote. On the surface at least, the
transition appears smooth and the justice of it all, almost poetic. But
below the surface, the country and Solidarity were being torn apart.
From January 1990, the Polish economy was subjected to the market
economy, ‘shock treatment’ of Leszek Balcerowicz. Price controls and
trade barriers were lifted, many state subsidies were removed and the
Polish złoty was made convertible with foreign currencies. Inflation was
brought under control, but at massive social cost. Industrial output
fell by 30%, wages fell by 40% and unemployment which had been
non-existent under communism rose, to over 1 million before the end of
1990. Within months Poland had the highest unemployment in Europe, an
unfortunate record it has maintained to the present day (2008).
Despite the enormous social costs, it has been argued
that the Balcerowicz Plan was a necessary short-term ‘shock’ to achieve
the improvements in economic growth that allowed Poland to out perform
most other former communist states. By 2007, Poland was ranked just
outside the World’s top 20 economies based on GDP, nearly 20 places
above the next best former Eastern Bloc rival, the Czech Republic. (IMF
database 2008 - http://www.imf.org/external/data.htm
) Table 5 -Dynamics
of GDP, percentage changes 1990-1996
Not surprisingly in the face of social crisis, the
Solidarity sponsored government came under pressure and Solidarity the
movement began to fall apart. Lech Wałęsa as trade union leader had been
increasingly isolated by the Solidarity intellectuals in the Mazowiecki
government. Divisions opened up within the movement and factional,
nascent political parties began to be formed around key personalities.
The bitter presidential elections that saw Wałęsa defeat Mazowiecki,
revealed Solidarity’s divisions. The much delayed parliamentary
elections of October 1991 revealed how fragmented the Polish political
scene had become. As Garton-Ash has pointed out, General Jaruzelski did
not succeed in dividing or destroying Solidarity, Lech Wałęsa did. What
he, more than anyone, had kept together, he, more than anyone,
deliberately pulled apart. (2002: 375) The compromise proportional
electoral system that was produced for the 1991 election, may have
guaranteed genuine democratic representation, but unlike in Hungary or
Czechoslovakia it proved difficult to form a stable coalition
government. Voting lists were presented to the Sejm that included 112
different organisations. 10 of these groups gained significant
parliamentary representation but not one party achieved more than 12% of
the vote. It was therefore impossible for even a small group of parties
to form a majority government, let alone a single political party. In
addition, the electoral process was so complex, an already diffident
electorate stayed away. In Warsaw, the electorate was presented with 35
lists, each with multiple candidates. The first free parliamentary
elections had a turnout of just 43%. Eventually a group of five parties
with Jan Olszewksi as prime minister was accepted just before Christmas
1991. Over the next 18 months Poland would have three prime ministers,
the last of whom, Hanna Suchocka, was defeated partly as a result of the
continued dissatisfaction of agricultural and public sector workers, but
with a decisive vote of no-confidence provided by the Solidarity group
of deputies. The elections of September 1993, with a reformed electoral
system provided a very different result. The former communists of the
Union of Democratic Left (SLD) and former communist coalition partners
the Polish Peasants Party (PSL) gained a clear majority. In the
elections, Solidarity received only 4.9% of the votes, 0.1% less than
the 5% necessary to gain representation in parliament. In the
presidential elections in November 1995, SLD leader Aleksander
Kwaśniewski defeated Wałęsa by a narrow margin. Poland was now governed
by two former communist politicians. However, Poland despite the
ex-communists running it was profoundly changed. There was to be no
retreat from the policies of privatisation and deregulation which had
characterised the Balcerowicz plan. For all the political and economic
instability in the 1990s, the policies, if not the policy makers were
reliably consistent. By the year 2000, Poland was fully integrated
within the community of European nations: her trade had successfully
shifted orientation from east to west; she was now a member of NATO and
she had begun the process of joining the EU which was formalised on
January 2004. Solidarity the trade union, continued to exist as one of a
number of national unions, but with membership now measured in hundreds
of thousands rather than millions. The old certainties had gone, along
with the job security of the communist era. To be a Polish worker today
is to live a life without solidarity. As the Gdańsk workers interviewed
in 1999 argued: ‘yes we have freedom: but what good is that if you have
no money to buy the shiny goods in the shops? ‘(Garton-Ash: 2002)
‘… the irony is painful. Workers started the great
changes, yet have paid the highest price. Solidarity was originally a
trade union, yet the result of its triumph is that Gdańsk workers are
employed by their former workmates, now turned capitalist, in private
firms with no trade unions at all. ‘ Garton Ash – 2002: 380
Czechoslovakia after Communism - The Velvet Divorce
On the 1st January 1993, Czechoslovakia ceased to exist.
It was the third of Europe’s three communist federal states to
disintegrate, after the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, though in
Czechoslovakia’s case the split was carried out in a peacefully ‘velvet’
manner. Why were Czechs and Slovaks, who had supported each other
against common opponents for so long, unable to sustain their shared
state? Francis Fukuyama, in his influential 1989 essay, described the
revolutions of 1989 as “the end of history”. The West had won the Cold
War and the world could now expect the extension of democratic,
capitalist systems as the challenge of communism receded. “What we may
be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War or the passing of a
particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such:
that is, the end point of mankind's ideological evolution and the
universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human
There have since been many challenges to
this argument, including the interpretation of 1989 as more of a
‘return to history’. From this perspective, nationalism in
Central and Eastern Europe had been held in check by the
disciplines of the Cold War. When the Cold War ended and Soviet
centralism faded, history, in the form of long held nationalist
tensions, was able to resurface. For homogenous nation states
such as Poland, this was less of an obstacle than in
Czechoslovakia, where Czechs and Slovaks often had different
notions of the nature of their state.
According to French philosopher Henri
Bergson ‘retrospective determinism’
is the logical fallacy that because something has
happened it was therefore bound to happen. This is not
only a tendency towards historical fallacy, but is also
something that can afflict participants in past events.
As Garton Ash has argued:
‘... the passage of time produces its own
peculiar distortions. One thing that happened rather quickly in the
early 1990s was that history was rewritten—not in the deliberate,
Orwellian way of communist states, but through the much more subtle,
spontaneous and potent workings of human memory. Suddenly, Western
politicians 'remembered' how they had all along predicted the end of
communism. And suddenly, almost everyone in the East had been some sort
of a dissident. The ranks of the opposition grew miraculously after the
event. Former communist leaders also produced remarkable memoirs. Thus,
in conversations after German unification, both the former Soviet
foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze and Aleksander Yakovlev, a key
Gorbachev adviser, told me that they had anticipated it as early as the
mid-1980s. Was there a record of that? Well no, you see, they could not
have said this out loud, not even to a small group of officials—because
to do so might have shaken the whole fabric of Moscow's relations with
Eastern Europe. (And the difficulty for the historian is that this is
also true.)’ Timothy Garton-Ash - Magic Lantern 160 •
As we have seen, a common enemy such as the
Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Soviet Union could unite Czechoslovakia,
but the idea of ‘Czechoslovakism’ failed to survive the removal of these
external forces. As the larger nation, Czechs were less likely than
Slovaks to question the idea of Czechoslovakia, “it was easier for them
to conflate Czechoslovak and Czech identity, while for Slovaks it was
clear that these were different concepts.” (26) The ‘Hyphen War’ of
1990, in which Slovaks argued that the country should be re-named
“Czecho-Slovakia” was indicative of these varying perspectives. A common
theme throughout the existence of Czechoslovakia, particularly under
communism, had been a tendency towards ‘Pragocentrism’, which Slovaks
now sought to challenge. The asymmetric model, whereby Slovak
institutions, based in Bratislava, existed alongside Czechoslovak
counterparts, based in Prague, had failed to obscure that it was the
latter who had wielded real power. A further constitutional complication
was the need for a high degree of consensus to pass new laws and the
relative ease with which a minority of deputies could block legislation.
When parliament only had to act as a rubber stamp for communist policy,
this was not a problem, but post-1989, it lead to delays and splits,
often along national lines. Among the emerging political parties, most
competed for seats in either the Czech lands or in Slovakia, there was
no popular Czechoslovak political force. The dominant politicians, the
Czech Vaclav Klaus and Slovak, Vladimir Meciar, offered sharply
contrasting solutions to Czechoslovakia’s problems. Klaus advocated a
rapid transformation to free market economics, and expressed frustration
with Meciar’s arguments for a more gradual approach. Havel’s efforts at
mediation failed. The option of splitting the country offered both
leaders a chance to pursue their policies unfettered by the other. The
Czech right could pursue a more radical short, sharp shock route to
economic transformation while Slovakia had to endure several years of
Meciar’s idiosyncratic authoritarianism. Thus, the political elite
agreed the collapse of Czechoslovakia. This occurred without violence
but also without any great popular demand. There was never a referendum
on the issue and opinion polls from the time do not show a majority in
favour of the split. This indifference meant the split could go ahead in
an atmosphere of restraint, without the violence that accompanied the
collapses of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. The external forces that
had held Czechoslovakia together no longer existed. The prospect of EU
and NATO membership offered new international frameworks within which
both the Czech Republic and Slovakia could prosper.