Central and Eastern European States -
Prague Spring
and after
By the mid-60s, the proclamations could no longer mask
the true scale of economic decline. Some prominent Party members,
including Alexander Dubcek, were prepared to acknowledge the problems
and urged reform. Novotny opposed such moves but could not muster
support from party colleagues when he needed it. His antagonistic
attitude to the Slovaks meant even ideological hardliners there were
unwilling to offer support. Leonid Brezhnev, the new Soviet leader also
declined to offer Novotny his support, commenting only that "it's
your business," when asked to pass judgment on the rival
party factions. In January 1968 Dubcek replaced Novotny as First
Secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. His open, approachable
manner and easy smile contrasted with the austere severity of previous
Party bosses and made him the personification of "socialism with a
human face". The reformists had gained the upper hand and in April
articulated their political aims in an Action Programme. This was a key
moment in what became known as the Prague Spring. The document called
for increased democratisation including more open debate with
representatives of other groups in society, the use of opinion polls to
inform policy, a relaxation of censorship, the freedom to travel abroad
and greater autonomy for Slovakia. The economy was to be guided towards
a socialist market in which businesses would remain state-owned but
would compete with each other and be subjected to the forces of supply
and demand. This was not to be an attempt to dismantle the system but
simply to improve it.
The Action Programme contained the shibboleths
required of loyal members of the Soviet Empire, "The basic
orientation of Czechoslovak foreign policy ....revolves around alliance
and cooperation with the Soviet Union and the other socialist
states..." and reasserted the leading role of the Party, but from
Moscow's perspective it represented a serious challenge to the
foundations of the Soviet Empire. Beyond the Party membership, ordinary
Czechoslovaks, encouraged by these liberalising measures were able to
speak out, no longer cowed by the threat of a late night visit from the
security forces and a long spell in a labour camp.
Potential opposition
parties emerged such as K-231 which represented the demands of
ex-political prisoners to be be fully rehabilitated. Students formed
independent unions and writers tested the limits of the new freedom by criticising
the Party's past mistakes. KAN - the Committed Non-Party
Members - sought to articulate the political views of non-Communists.
Vaclav Havel, a KAN member, described the atmosphere as one where,
"fear vanished, taboos were swept away, social conflicts could be
openly named and described, a wide variety of interests could be
expressed, the mass media once again began to do their job, civic
self-confidence grew: in short, the ice began to melt." However,
expectations soon extended beyond the provisions of the Action Programme.
Dubcek's offer of Party led democratisation was not enough when the
greater goal of genuine democracy seemed attainable.
As spring turned to summer, it seemed as if events had
taken on a momentum beyond Dubcek's control. Neighbouring regimes, fearing a domino effect, became nervous
at the prospect that their own populations might demand similar
freedoms. East Germany's Walter Ulbricht and Poland's Wladislaw Gomulka
urged Soviet intervention. Brezhnev took steps to bring Czechoslovakia
back into line. Previously arranged Warsaw Pact military manouvres in
Czechoslovakia were brought forward and extended, a not so subtle
reminder of Soviet power. At a series of meetings through the summer,
Dubcek was warned of the dangers of deviating from the Soviet approved
version of socialism but steadfastly stuck to his principles. Finally,
in August, the Prague Spring ended as Soviet and other Warsaw Pact
forces invaded Czechoslovakia.
The Action Programme recognised the need for the
Communist Party to strive constantly to earn the people's consent but
fudged the obvious question of what happens when that consent is
withdrawn? The expectation that rival groups in a multi-party system
would remain content with a subordinate role also seems unrealistic.
Certainly, Brezhnev viewed events as a step towards capitalism and a
threat to Soviet hegemony in the region. The Brezhnev Doctrine made
clear what should already have been obvious from previous challenges
such as the Hungarian Uprising in 1956, that the Soviet Union would
intervene to enforce its own interpretation of socialism whenever it
felt threatened.
The Brezhnev Doctrine, Speech to Polish Workers'
Congress, November 1968
"The peoples of the socialist countries and
Communist parties certainly do have and should have freedom for
determining the ways of advance of their respective countries. However,
none of their decisions should damage either socialism in their country
or the fundamental interests of other socialist countries, and the whole
working class movement, which is working for socialism. This means that
each Communist Party is responsible not only to its own people, but also
to all the socialist countries, to the entire Communist movement.
Whoever forgets this, in stressing only the independence of the
Communist Party becomes one-sided. He deviates from his international
duty. It has got to be emphasized that when a socialist country seems to
adopt a "non-affiliated" stand, it retains its national
independence, in effect, precisely because of the might of the socialist
community, and above all the Soviet Union as a central force, which also
includes the might of its armed forces. The weakening of any of the
links in the world system of socialism directly affects all the
socialist countries, which cannot look indifferently upon this...
Czechoslovakia's detachment from the socialist community would have come
into conflict with its own vital interests and would have been
detrimental to the other socialist states. Discharging their
internationalist duty toward the fraternal peoples of Czechoslovakia and
defending their own socialist gains, the U.S.S.R. and the other
socialist states had to act decisively and they did act against the
antisocialist forces in Czechoslovakia"
Dubcek's reforms had been immensely popular in
Czechoslovakia, but lead to demands for even more radical change that
threatened the Party's leading role. A lifetime within the Party had
denied Dubcek the perspective of those on the outside. In the same way,
Dubcek's natural inclination towards an idealistic view of the Soviet
Union made the invasion of 1968 a revelation and a crushing blow.
Hungary's Janos Kadar, unsure whether Dubcek was being brave or foolish,
asked him, "Do you really not know the kind of people you're
dealing with?" The Czechoslovak Army, as in 1939, was ordered
not to confront the invading forces though many citizens fought back in
brave but ultimately futile acts of resistance. Clandestine radio
stations managed to remain on air long enough to refute the Soviet
depiction of the invasion as 'fraternal assistance' requested by the
Czechoslovaks themselves to confront 'counter-revolutionaries'. A final
free meeting of Party members reaffirmed the ideals of Prague Spring
even as Dubcek and his colleagues were removed at gunpoint to Moscow.
There Dubcek and his colleagues were threatened and bullied until they
signed a document of capitulation agreeing with the Soviet version of
In January 1969 Jan
Palach, a Czech student, set fire to himself
in the centre of Prague in protest at the invasion. Thousands attended
his funeral, unable to fight the invaders; they could at least express
their contempt by publicly honouring a desperate act of martyrdom. In
April, the Czechoslovak ice hockey team defeated the Soviet team in the
World Championships sparking celebrations which soon turned into
anti-Soviet riots.
These events were taken as proof that Dubcek had lost
control of the country and prompted the Soviets to install Gustav Husak
as leader in his place. The failure of Prague Spring demonstrates
the difficulties of attempting reform from within. Dubcek and
his fellow reformers had risen through the party ranks in the
preceding decades and could hardly have been unaware of the
crimes committed by the Party, the show trials, the executions,
the dishonesty, or of the brutal cynicism of the Soviet
leadership. Their own complicity in these events made them
flawed standard bearers for a new era of reason and justice. The
Soviets' concern that the Prague Spring, had it been allowed to
continue, would eventually turn Czechoslovakia into a democratic
state and undermine the Empire may well have been correct.
As Gorbachev's
later experience shows, dictatorships are at their most vulnerable when
attempting reform. However, the invasion also crushed a genuine attempt
by a communist party to adapt to new political and economic challenges.
Was this a missed opportunity for the Soviet Empire to regenerate? Or
simply another doomed attempt at divining a Third Way? As it was, the reimposition of rigid Soviet control established a regime that could do
little more than manage decline. Without change in Moscow there was
little prospect of any change to this grim reality in the satellite
Verdicts on Dubcek and the Prague Spring
"I must say, I am convinced that you must share some of the blame
for your present situation."
Vaclav Havel, open letter to Alexander
Dubcek, August 1969, quoted in J.Keane, Vaclav Havel: 223.
"The truth was that he (Dubcek) had not allowed himself to see
Soviet communist rule for what it was. Pluralism, democratisation,
market reform and the abolition of censorship in Czechoslovakia ...
represented the antitheses of Soviet style rule at home; they posed a
real threat to the stability of other Communist states in the region
whose people would undoubtedly be encouraged to do the same. Anyone who
truly acknowledged the totalitarian essence of Soviet communism would
have realised this. Dubcek was wilfully blind to the system he had grown
up around." Shepherd, R, - Czechoslovakia, the Velvet Revolution
and Beyond, Macmillan Press, 2000.:29 "
"The Czechoslovak experiment was wrecked on
its own paradoxes......Dubcek believed that an outspokenly
anti-liberal, ...dictatorship could be improved upon by simply
changing the people holding key jobs, possibly also by including
new people and introducing limited reforms. One conclusion seems
evident, however reluctant one is to accept it: the Dubcek
experiment was not possible." P Tigrid, Why Dubcek
Fell, 1971:198
"Dubcek was the first and last genuinely popular Communist leader
of Czechoslovakia. The slogan 'socialism with a human face' was coined
for him.....his ready smile made it easy to identify him with the
concept.....Dubcek's popularity was based on the fact that he believed
in his own words and policies, and accordingly people trusted him for
his sincerity." Dowling, M - Czechoslovakia, Arnold, 2002: 107
"I can only say, think of me what you will,
I have worked for thirty years in the Party, and my whole family has
devoted everything to the affairs of the Party, the affairs of
A. Dubcek
"Dubcek and Dubcekism
are one of the more important phenomena of the post-war world.
Scepticism about the hypothetical future of this experiment may be
misplaced....It is possible that by allowing the full play of democratic
forces within the Party itself, Dubcek might have enabled the Communists
to remain both sensitive and responsive to the aspirations of the
people." W.Shawcross, Dubcek: 207
"Dubcekism stood
for right-wing opportunism and was characterised by its double-faced
policy and a contradiction between words and deeds. It was a loss of
class approach in solving the vital internal and international problems,
a complete failure to understand the international context of
Czechoslovak development in the present world divided along class
lines" Pravda (Bratislava, 8th October, 1969) quoted in
Dubcek: 193
Gustav Husak led Czechoslovakia through the next
twenty years of 'normalisation'. The Party was purged of those
associated with the Prague Spring, censorship was restored, travel
restrictions reimposed, the maximum period of detention without trial
was extended, and there was a return to centralised economic control.
The state demanded at least an outward appearance of compliance. As the
wayward satellite returned to disciplined loyalty, tens of thousands of
its citizens left the country. The new government had been
undemocratically imposed from Moscow, was clearly dependent on the
continued Soviet military presence and therefore could not attain
popular legitimacy. In these unpromising circumstances Husak had to
consolidate his rule and achieve some form of social contract with the
people. The state proved able to provide basic economic security; full
employment, free universal health care, subsidised holidays, and
pensions were guaranteed. Workers' wages were lower than their western
counterparts' but the average Czechoslovak could afford a modest supply
of consumer goods and by the late 1980s, Czechoslovakia ranked second in
the world in the number of country cottages per capita; as much as 80%
of families had access to these second homes. In these ways a form
of consent existed and the police state retained all the apparatus of
coercion (prison, loss of career) where this proved insufficient. For
many the lesson of 1968 was that rebellion was futile.
Despite the risks, there were those who rebelled. In
contrast to the mass workers' movement in Poland, Czechoslovak
opposition was based around small groups of intellectuals typified by
the playwright, Vaclav Havel. Under the strict repression of the 'normalisation'
years it proved difficult to broaden the opposition movement. Change
from within the Party had been tried and had failed, many potential
reformers had left the country, others, satisfied that the state could
provide the basics retreated into an apolitical tolerance of the status
quo. Government propaganda strove to portray dissidents such as Havel as
self-indulgent, bourgeois dilettantes out of touch with the real
concerns of the working class. Havel's opposition is summarised by his
moral exhortation to "live in truth." The conviction that if
the state is sustained by lies the greatest threat to it is to speak the
truth. Havel's background shaped his principles. He was born into a
prominent, wealthy family in 1936 and as a child experienced the
disasters of the Nazi occupation. To the post-war communist regime,
families such as Havel's were class enemies and were made to suffer the
confiscation of property, exclusion from education and harassment.
Nevertheless, Havel carved out a career as a playwright, using
membership of officially sanctioned writers' groups to push the bounds
of censorship. His plays often contained thinly veiled criticisms of the
absurdities of Communism and in 1971 they were banned.
In 1975 Havel wrote an Open Letter to
President Husak which was circulated amongst dissidents, published
abroad and broadcast from western radio stations back into
Czechoslovakia. The letter criticised Husak's regime for its cynical
oppression of the people... "..for fear of losing his job, the
schoolteacher teaches things he does not believe; fearing for his
future, the pupil repeats them after him...Fear of the consequences of
refusal leads people to take part in elections, to vote for the proposed
candidates, and to pretend that they regard such ceremonies as genuine
elections...it is fear that carries them through humiliating acts of
self-criticism and...fear that someone might inform against them
prevents them from giving public, and often private expression to their
true opinions."
The following year, the regime provided an example
of how it would use this 'fear' to enforce conformity when members of a
rock group,
The Plastic People of the Universe, were put on trial accused of
deviancy, hooliganism and disturbing the peace. This was widely
perceived as more than the harassment of a few hippy prog-rockers, but
as an attack on art, youth, and freedom, "an attack by the totalitarian
system on life itself". The incident led to a petition in support
of the musicians and exposed the narrow limits of officially acceptable
cultural activity. For the very reasons described by Havel in his
letter, mass opposition was not possible, but he had achieved notoriety
as a consistently moral and brave critic of the regime and was himself
an example of 'living in truth'.
A more sustained challenge developed in 1977 when
Havel and other dissidents formed Charter '77, an opposition group based
around a petition calling on the government to respect its own
commitment to the 1975 Helsinki Agreement on human rights. The Soviet
Union, the US and most of Europe had agreed to respect the fundamental
freedoms of thought, conscience, religion and belief. Czechoslovakia
clearly did not respect these freedoms but, as the agreement had been
signed, Helsinki gave the dissidents a legalistic avenue of opposition.
They accepted the futility of open revolt against a well armed regime,
which itself was backed by an interventionist Soviet Empire, but
believed that the system could be undermined by spreading the truth and
defending human rights. The resulting persecution suffered by those
brave enough to sign the Charter, (arrest, interrogation, imprisonment),
highlighted the reality of totalitarian rule and attracted publicity
abroad. In Hungary, groups within the Communist Party were again taking
tentative steps towards reform. In Poland, the trade union Solidarity
attracted mass support, but in Czechoslovakia, the Charter '77 remained
a narrow group of intellectuals with only 241 signatures in January 1977
and even by 1988 no more than 2,000 However, the movements
encouraged each other. Lech Walesa acknowledges the significance of
Havel's writings to Solidarity, "it (Havel's work) gave us the
theoretical underpinnings for our activity. It maintained our
spirits...when I look at the victories of Solidarity and Charter 77; I
see in them an astonishing fulfilment of the prophecies and knowledge
contained in Havel's essay." Even when imprisoned Havel
maintained his opposition to normalisation. The consistency of Havel's
moral campaign would leave him well placed when external events began to
undermine Soviet control of the region.
In the Czechoslovak Register of Laws of October, 1976,
texts were published of the International Covenant on Human Rights,
which were signed on behalf of our republic at Helsinki in 1975. From
that date our citizens have enjoyed the rights, and our state the
duties, ensuing from them. The human rights underwritten by these
covenants constitute features of civilized life for which many
progressive movements have striven throughout history and whose
codification could greatly assist humane developments in our society. We
accordingly welcome the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic's accession to
those agreements.
Their publication, however, serves as a powerful
reminder of the extent to which basic human rights in our country exist,
regrettably, on paper alone. The right to freedom of expression is in
our case purely illusory. Tens of thousands of our citizens are
prevented from working in their own fields for the sole reason that they
hold views differing from official ones. Deprived as they are of any
means to defend themselves, they become victims of a virtual apartheid.
Hundreds of thousands of other citizens are denied that "freedom
from fear" mentioned in the covenant, being condemned to the
constant risk of unemployment or other penalties if they voice their own
opinions. In violation of Article 13, guaranteeing the right to
education, countless young people are prevented from studying because of
their own views or even their parents Innumerable citizens live in
fear of their own or their children's right to education being withdrawn
if they should ever speak up in accordance with their convictions.
exercise of the right to "seek, receive and impart information and
ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing
or in print" or "in the form of art" specified in Article
19 is followed by sanctions, often in the form of criminal charges, as
in the recent trial of young musicians. Freedom of expression is
inhibited by the centralized control of all the communication media and
of publishing and cultural institutions. No philosophical, political or
scientific view or artistic activity that departs ever so slightly from
the narrow bounds of official ideology or aesthetics is allowed to be
published; no open criticism can be made of abnormal social phenomena;
no public defence is possible against false and insulting charges made
in official propaganda.
No open debate is allowed in the domain of
thought and art. Freedom of religious confession, guaranteed by Article
18, is continually curtailed by arbitrary official action; by
interference with the activity of churchmen, who are constantly
threatened by the refusal of the state to permit them the exercise of
their functions, or by the withdrawal of such permission; by financial
or other transactions against those who express their religious faith in
word or action; by constraints on religious training and so forth.
Workers and others are prevented from exercising the unrestricted right
to establish trade unions, and from freely enjoying the right to strike
provided for in Article 8. Further civic rights, including the
prohibition of "arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home
or correspondence" are seriously vitiated by the various forms of
interference in the private life of citizens exercised by the Ministry
of the Interior, for example by bugging telephones and houses, opening
mail, following personal movements, searching homes, and setting up
networks of neighbourhood informers.
Article 12 of the covenant,
guaranteeing every citizen the right to leave the country, is
consistently violated. The granting of entry visas to foreigners is also
treated arbitrarily, and many are unable to visit Czechoslovakia.
Responsibility for the maintenance of rights in our country naturally
devolves in the first place on the political and state authorities. Yet
not only on them: everyone bears his share of responsibility for the
conditions that prevail and accordingly also for the observance of
legally enshrined agreements, binding upon all individuals as well as
upon governments. It is this sense of co-responsibility, our belief in
the importance of its conscious public acceptance and the general need
to give it new and more effective expression that led us to the idea of
creating Charter 77, whose inception we today publicly announce. Charter
77 is a loose, informal and open association of people of various shades
of opinion, faiths and professions united by the will to strive
individually and collectively for the respecting of human rights in our
country and throughout the world -- rights accorded to all men by the
Final Act of the Helsinki conference laid down in the U.N. Universal
Charter of Human Rights. Charter 77 is not an organisation; it has no
rules, permanent bodies or formal membership. It embraces everyone who
agrees with its ideas and participates in its work. It does not form the
basis for any oppositional political activity. Like many similar citizen
initiatives in various countries, West and East, it seeks to promote the
general public interest.
It does not aim, then, to set out its own
platform of political or social reform or change, but within its own
field of impact to conduct a constructive dialogue with the state
authorities, particularly by drawing attention to individual cases where
human and civic rights are violated, to document such grievances and
suggest remedies, to make proposals of a more general character
calculated to reinforce such rights and machinery for protecting them,
to act as an intermediary in situations of conflict which may lead to
violations of rights.
As signatories, we hereby authorise Professor Dr.
Jan Patocka, Dr. Vaclav Havel and Professor Dr. Jiri Hajek to act as
spokesmen for the Charter. We believe that Charter 77 will help to
enable all citizens of Czechoslovakia to work and live as free human
beings. Prague, 1 January 1977