International School History - European Schools - S6 4 hour option

S6 4hr History Last update - 07 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Europe and the World from the end of the 19th Century to 1945.


Culture and society before 1945

S6 4 period


15 lessons

1.  Modernity in the 20th Century.

2.  Culture and Mass-culture.

3.  Social, political and economic impact of mass-culture.

   ·    What was modernity (in psychology, arts, literature and society)?
·    How did 19th century industrialisation change the individual and society?
·    What examples of mass-culture appeared?
·    What did mass-culture offer to people and society?
·    Could all members of society participate?
·    What problems arose? How did traditional values work with Americanisation/Cultural Bolshevism?
·    How was mass-culture used politically and economically?


Key Words

Literacy, Urbanisation, Technical Innovation (Scientific Management - Taylorism), Mass Production (Fordism), Rationalisation, Leisure time, Mass-Consumption, Mass-Media, Mass-Culture, Hollywood, Sports, Jazz, Swing, Advertising, Propaganda, Urban/Rural Divide, Fear of the Future, Americanisation, Cultural Bolshevism


Possible Reference Points

Lumière Brothers Cinématographe (1895), Ford Model T, Sound Film ‘Talkies’ (1927), the BBC (1927), Bauhaus, Einstein: Theory of Relativity (1905), Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), James Joyce: Ulysses (1922), Kafka, Proust, Matisse, Picasso, Braque, Kandinsky, The Olympic Games (1936), Films - Eisenstein: Battleship Potemkin, Fritz Lang: Metropolis, Chaplin: City Lights, Modern Times.

Syllabus Links

· Europe 1 · Europe 2 · 6.4A · 6.4E · 6.4F


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