International School History - European Schools - S7 4hr option

S7 History - Last update - 17 May 2023 Official European School History S7 Syllabus: English, French, German
World History 1960-73
Key Questions Lessons Additional materials and external links
Why was there a Congo Crisis and why was Patrice Lumumba assassinated? Information booklet on the Congo Crisis. BBC report on why Lumumba was assassinated.

Video - The assassination of Lumumba.

Recommended further reading, In the Footsteps of Mr Kurtz, a brilliant account of Mobutu's Congo.

Adam Hochschild on Lumumba - extract from King Leopold's Ghost and short video interview.

BBC - Who killed Lumumba?  Also World Socialist Website review. Probe - The Assassination of Lumumba and the Mysterious Death of Dag Hammarskjold

BBC on the conspiracy theories behind the death of Dag Hammarskjold (September 2011)

2013 BBC documentary on the Congo by Dan Snow. Covers pre-colonial and post-colonial situation.


Why was there a revolution in Cuba in 1959? Information sheet on the Cuban Revolution.

Video - Mark Steel lecture on Che Guevara.
Motorcycle Diaries - Walter Salles' dramatization of the Che Guevara's life-changing motorcycle road trip.

Videos - Castro: Hero or Villain?, 
People's Century on Cuba and Vietnam.
Full People's Century video which examines the role of guerilla war in post 1945 liberation movements.

Eric Hobsbawm extract on the Cuban Revolution


Why did superpower relations deteriorate in the early 1960s?

U2 spy plane and Berlin wall worksheet activity based on James Mason Modern World history to GCSE

Walsh 342-46 GCSE Modern World History
Video - Cold War episode 9 Wall and accompanying website.

Video Days that Shook the World on U2 Spy Plane and Cold War spies.

People's Century video which examines the Cold War 1945-61. A good revision overview.

John D Clare on U2 and Berlin Wall.


How close did the world come to nuclear war during the Cuban missiles crisis? PowerPoint from the lesson.

Cuban Missiles Crisis worksheet from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE

Video - One Minute to Midnight

Textbook accounts by Bradley Lightbody, Oliver Edwards and Mike Sewell

Walsh 347-52 GCSE Modern World History


John D Clare on Cuba.

Videos Fog of War and Thirteen Days. How accurate is 13 days? See Alex von Tunzelmann's review.

Video - Cold War episode 10 Cuba and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
Who killed President Kennedy?

What did Kennedy achieve?


10 reasons why the official account of the Kennedy Assassination must be wrong. John McAdam's anti-conspiracy website

Oliver Stone's JFK and How accurate is it? See Alex von Tunzelmann's review.
The Zapruder hoax website and film.
Secret service stand down video

How successful was the Kennedy presidency? Worksheet. Walsh 390-91 GCSE Modern World History


John Simkin on the various theories concerning the assassination.

BBC video on the assassination.

The notorious video The Men Who Killed Kennedy - 9 episode documentary originally aired in 1989.

Red Dwarf's explanation of the assassination. (Comedy)

How did the USA get involved in Vietnam? Complete this timeline

Worksheet James Mason Modern World history to GCSE and Walsh 353-355 GCSE Modern World History


Video - Cold War episode 11 Vietnam and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
What was the Vietnam War like and why did the USA lose? Walsh 355-359.GCSE Modern World History

Steve Phillips on why the USA failed to win. Edited extract from Kevin Jackson's 2002 article for the Independent on Sunday about the attraction of war movies.
Scene from Apocalypse Now

PowerPoints on how the war was fought and why the USA lost.


Videos on Ho Chi Minh

Extract from Vivienne Sanders 'Fighting and Living in Vietnam'.

Video - The BBC in Vietnam.

Video Fog of War
Hollywood on war: an analysis by John Pilger

What was the media's role in the Vietnam War? A case study of photography Video on the photography of the Vietnam War: The Camera at War and questions to be answered.

See Sophie Lacombe's answers from 2011
An outstanding illustrated multimedia essay on the photography of the Vietnam War.

BBC Exhibit marks the 40th anniversary of the death of photographer Henri Huet - 11 May 2011. Daily Mail illustrated article in 2013 on Larry Burrows and this Time Life exhibition

American experience video and website on the My Lai massacre.


What were the 'Sixties'? Was 1968 the most important year of the century? Walsh 380-383 GCSE Modern World History






Video - Cold War episode 13 Make Love not War and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode. This episode deals with the wider context of the 1960s.
People's Century Video - New Release/Young Blood deals with the 1960s. Website for the series.
What was the 1960s women's movement? Walsh 384-386.GCSE Modern World History




Video history of the women's movement. Chapter 1 "The Problem that Has No Name".
People's Century Video - Half the People. Extended version of film seen in lesson. Website for the series.
What was the LGBT movement and what did it achieve? Worksheet

Video - Boys Beware - 1961 homophobic public information film.

Video - The Stonewall Uprising.
Website for the outstanding PBS film - The Stonewall Uprising

Wikipedia on Stonewall.





How did the civil rights movement develop in the 1960s? Walsh 380-383 GCSE Modern World History

Worksheet - Extract from Farmer and Sanders American History 1860-1990

Revision sheet to be completed on US civil rights 1945-75

Video - Malcolm X
The groundbreaking 'Eyes on the Prize' documentary series. See episode 1 The Time Has Come (1964-66)
PBS website for the series
Wikipedia on Eyes on the Prize

Excellent Guardian article about the 1968 Olympic black power salute.
Alistair Cooke's America is a classic 13 part history of the USA produced in 1972.

Episode 13


Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution? Worksheet from the lesson.




Video from the People's Century series. Website for the video. Morning Sun, a film and website about the Cultural Revolution.
Video - Cold War episode 15 China and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.
What was it like to be a Red Guard during the Cultural Revolution? Extract from Jung Chang's Wild Swans with discussion questions.



Wild Swans - the story of one girl's experience of growing up during the Cultural Revolution. The only book I have ever ripped in half.
What were the consequences of the Cultural Revolution? Worksheet from the lesson.  Edited extract from Michael Lynch's The People Republic of China since 1949.

Revision sheet to be completed on China 1945-76





What was the 'Prague Spring'? Worksheet from the lesson.

Walsh 404-406.GCSE Modern World History
Extract from James Mason Modern World History

Video - Prague Spring extract from Cold War series.


Extended extract from Cannon et al. IB 20th century world history course companion in text form and on this website.
Video - Cold War episode 14 Red Spring and accompanying website. This includes a transcript of the episode.



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