Civilian populations in Western Europe endured shortages,
rationing, restrictions on liberty, extended working hours, bombing, as
well as the emotional strain of loved ones risking death in battle.
Technological advances, in particular the bomber, brought war to
ordinary people far from front lines to an extent that had been
impossible a generation before.
By 1939, Germans had already experienced 6 years of
totalitarian Nazi rule; the militarisation of society, rearmament,
greater government control of labour and the economy, the violent
suppression of opposition, propaganda, and restrictions on personal
liberty. Therefore, the outbreak of war did not require the radical
changes in government powers that were experienced in liberal
democracies such as Britain. However, food rationing was introduced
immediately at the outbreak of war; meat was in particularly short
supply though chronic food shortages were not experienced until 1944.
The conquests of 1939-41 allowed Nazi Germany to live off the wealth of
its victims, but severe shortages were experienced as the expanse of
occupied territory contracted. Soap, clothing and cigarettes all became
subject to restrictions. Germany’s lack of natural resources, especially
oil, led to fuel shortages for civilians and the military, a situation
that worsened when Romania, an oil producing ally of Germany, dropped
out of the War in 1944.
For all the powers of coercion, persecution and terror at
their disposal, Nazi leaders could not completely ignore the importance
of civilian morale. The collapse of the Home Front had been a factor in
Germany’s defeat in World War One. Indeed a great deal of energy was
expended on maintaining domestic support for the War and though it is
difficult to quantify, it is unsurprising that levels of morale should
correlate directly with military success and failure. Support for the
war was strongest in the early years but by 1943 following the defeat at
Stalingrad, the Nazis found it harder to counteract war-weariness,
political jokes, criticism and despair, to the extent that the regime
was obliged to make ‘defeatism’ a criminal offence, punishable by death.
By 1944, the regime was imposing the death penalty on children as young
as 14. “The Gestapo also took an ever more
active role in enforcing discipline at work. In 1942, 7,311 workers were
arrested by the Gestapo for breaches of labour discipline but by 1944
the figure had risen to 42,505.”
M Roseman, Total War and Historical Change: Europe, 1914-1955. Open
University Press. Philadelphia. 2001. P: 243.
The Nazi state encouraged women to conform to the roles
of mothers and home-makers, offering loans and rewards to those starting
families. From 1939, young, unmarried women were compelled to undertake
a year’s labour service, often agricultural work. Throughout the War,
the demand for more labour eroded the Nazi ‘children, church and
kitchen’ female role and women increasingly took on jobs in industry,
administration, auxiliary military units, signals and anti-aircraft
units. Such burdens were in addition to the struggle to acquire daily
rations and maintain homes for the family.
The labour shortage undermined Hitler’s core belief that
Germany was a people without land, deserving of ever more Lebensraum.
As more and more Germans were called up to the military, it soon
became evident that Germany wasin fact a land in need of
more people. Franco’s Spain provided 100,000 Falange coordinated
volunteer workers in 1941 but this did not even begin to address the
problem. After the ‘total war’ orders of 1943 which increased the
working week to 60 hours and raised the age-limit for calling up women
to work to 50, there was little more that could be done to extract
labour from the German population. The introduction of foreign labour
was initially resisted as a threat to the ‘racial hygiene’ of the German
nation, as well as an unwelcome security threat. The demands of the war
economy overcame these reservations to the extent that by the end of the
War there were over 7 million foreign workers in Germany. These
labourers were subjected to a complex system of racial hierarchy. The
pay, conditions, food, accommodation, freedom, and punishment an
individual worker could expect were related to his or her standing in
Nazi ideology, from skilled North Europeans down to the murderous
slavery imposed on Jews, Poles and Russian prisoners of war.
German wartime propaganda aimed to reinforce morale on
the home front, to justify Nazi policies, and to encourage defeatism
among the enemy. Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, extended state
control over all forms of media, art and entertainment relentlessly
expounding the Nazi world-view. Many artists and writers had fled
Germany; those that remained were restricted to churning out crude
Nazi-approved propaganda.
The glorification of Nazism was most
successfully achieved at the mass Party rallies at Nuremburg. The
innovative films of Leni Riefenstahl, demonstrated in The Triumph of
the Will (1935) and Olympia (1937) are among the few examples
of Nazi era art of lasting merit. The hysterical dishonesty of Nazi
newspapers, news films and radio became less plausible as Germany’s
military campaigns faltered and led many to risk listening to foreign
broadcasts from more trustworthy sources such as the BBC, an offence
punishable by death.
Internal opponents of the regime faced enormous risks and
required extraordinary courage to organise against the Nazi State.
The most serious attempt at deposing Hitler was ‘Operation Valkyrie’, a
plot to place a bomb in Hitler’s headquarters in July 1944. The
conspiracy was developed by military officers disillusioned at the
course of the War, including Claus von Stauffenberg, the man who was to
deliver the bomb. Although the bomb exploded, Hitler was shielded from
the blast by the solid oak table under which the bomb had been placed,
and suffered only minor injuries. Von Stauffenberg was captured and shot
that night; his fellow suspects were arrested and tortured, disclosing
further names. Death sentences were carried out by firing squad,
beheading and strangulation. It is said that Hitler watched home movies
of the victims’ executions throughout the night of their deaths.
The ‘White Rose’ movement of students at Munich
University opposed the regime by distributing leaflets protesting
against Nazi atrocities. By 1943, the group had become increasingly bold
in their activities and in February of that year the leading members
including siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl were arrested. In court, as
they were sentenced to death, Sophie accused the court of agreeing with
the White Rose but lacking the courage to admit it.
Hans and Sophie,
along with their friend Christoph Probst (left) were beheaded in the courtyard
of Stadelheim Prison on February 22nd, 1943. The bravery of
those prepared to confront the Nazi regime is extraordinary, but neither
the students’ nor the Army officers’ movements had deep roots among the
The Church produced some opponents to Hitler; brave
individuals, Catholic and Protestant, denounced the evils of Nazism. At
an institutional level, however, potential opposition from the Catholic
Church was undermined by the Concordat (1933) with the Nazi State which
guaranteed some protection for the Church in return for non-interference
in political matters. Pope Pius XII’s apparent indifference to the
suffering of the Jews has since been the subject of particular
controversy. The creation of a new Reich Church enticed sufficient
Protestant clergy to weaken efforts to establish a united Christian
opposition movement. Political opponents were also fragmented and
ineffective. Prominent communists and socialists were among the first to
be arrested on the Nazi seizure of power. Many of those who avoided
prison were forced into exile, often choosing to oppose Fascism by
fighting for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. Potential
Communist opposition was particularly stifled in the years 1939-41 by
the compromises of the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Trade Unions had been
consolidated into the German Labour Front in 1934. The constraints of
this system were offset by the Nazis’ achievements in providing full
employment and routes to upward social mobility based on race, Party
membership, civil service or military careers.
Historians A. Marwick and C. Emsley (Total War and
Historical Change: Europe, 1914-1955. Open University Press.
Philadelphia. 2001. p. 1.) define ten broad areas in which war can act
as a catalyst for social change. These provide some useful criteria by
which we can identify the social consequences of war and allow us to
create a well planned essay in response to the question above. As you
work through this chapter complete as much of the table as possible –
some sections will require further research.
Social Geography
(basic population statistics, urban/rural distribution)