Judt, T. 2007. Postwar, A History of
Europe Since 1945. London, UK. Pimlico.
An excellent overview of European history
which cleverly challenges basic assumptions.
Davies, N. 1996. Europe: A History.
Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press.
Heavy weight history on an epic scale. The
relevant chapters on Europe after 1939 provide a fascinating explanation
of events.
Davies, N. 2006. Europe at War.
London, UK. Pan Macmillan.
Comprehensive explanation of the War in
Germany 1939-2000
Green, S. et al 2008. The Politics of the
New Germany. Oxford, UK. Routledge.
A series of themed essays linking Germany’s
past and present.
O’Dochartaigh P. 2004. Germany Since 1945.
Basingstoke, UK. Palgrave Macmillan.
A comprehensive introduction to Germany’s
post-war history.
Kettenacker, L. 1997. Germany Since 1945.
Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press.
Detailed analysis and comparison between
East and West Germany.