The total defeat of May 1945 has often
been described as the “Stunde Null” (zero hour) of German history,
a phrase which hints at both the psychological difficulty of confronting
the moral bankruptcy of Hitler’s War, and at the need to look forward.
Approximately 7 million Germans had been killed; millions more were
injured and traumatised.
An estimated 11 million German soldiers were in
captivity in May 1945, which, added to the shortage of men due to
military casualties, led to a marked imbalance of the sexes. The
traditional female roles espoused by Nazi propaganda were a fading
memory as women worked to support fatherless families. Whole cities had
been reduced to rubble, leaving their populations homeless.
Normal economic relations had broken down;
factories lacked fuel and raw materials, transport systems were wrecked,
cigarettes replaced money as currency. Labour had first to be directed
to clearing the rubble and providing temporary housing. Agricultural
production also fell leading to widespread hunger and malnutrition. The
resources of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
(UNRRA) and the Allied military were directed at ensuring bare survival.
The social
dislocation was enormous. Amid the collapsed infrastructure millions
tried to make their way home; refugees, foreign workers, and released
prisoners all had to be provided for. Into this confusion poured Germans
expelled from the East.
The expulsion of ethnic Germans
from Czechoslovakia, 1945
“The Three
Governments (US, UK, Soviet Union), having considered the
question in all its aspects, recognize that the transfer to
Germany of German populations, or elements thereof, remaining in
Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, will have to be undertaken.
They agree that any transfers that take place should be effected
in an orderly and humane manner’. Article 13, Potsdam Agreement
“Of the roughly 12 million
Germans who in 1944 were living in territory that was soon to
become part of Poland, an estimated six million fled or were
evacuated before the advancing Red Army reached them. Of the
remainder, up to 1.1 million died, 3.6 million were expelled by
the Poles, a further million were designated as Poles, and
300,000 remained regardless. Thousands starved and froze to
death while being expelled in slow and ill-equipped trains”
S. Green et al,
The Politics of the New Germany, Routledge,
Abingdon, 2008, p.13
“We have decided that we have
to liquidate the German problem in our Republic once and for
all” Czechoslovak President Benes, speech, 12/05/45,
Brno, quoted in
After the Reich, G. MacDonough, Murray, London,
2007, p.128.
were beaten with truncheons and whips and those who failed to
get up were shot and their bodies stripped and plundered.”
of the forced expulsion of ethnic Germans from Brno,
Czechoslovakia, 1945, MacDonough,
After the Reich, p139.
Which, if any, of
the following statements justify these acts of ‘ethnic
History showed it was necessary to create ethnically homogenous
nation states.
The German minorities
were potentially troublesome traitors.
Transferring German
property to the people of Eastern Europe was compensation for
their suffering.
The German minorities
deserved to be punished for Nazi atrocities.
Spontaneous expulsions
were happening already. Governments could only attempt to
regulate this process.
Expulsions would
prevent future ethnic conflict.
In October 2009 the Czech Republic
was granted an opt out of the fundamental EU rights charter
enshrined in the Treaty of Lisbon. President Vaclav Klaus was
attempting to shield the Czech Republic from property claims
made by ethnic Germans expelled from the country after the
second world war.
The Guardian
“In certain instances we have fallen below
standard, but I should like to point out that a whole Army has
been faced with the intricate problems of readjusting from
combat to mass repatriation, and then to the present static
phase with its unique welfare problems. Anticipating this phase,
I have fostered since before D-day the development of UNRRA so
that persons of professional competence in that organization
might take over greater responsibilities, and release our combat
men and officers from this most difficult work.”
“As far as
the Western Allies were concerned, the joke ran around that the
Americans had been given the scenery, the French the vines, and the
British the ruins.”
G. MacDonough, p.1
(Left) Map of post War Germany showing
the 4 zones of Allied occupation.
The pale yellow areas show former
German territories allocated to Poland and the Soviet Union. The Saar
region in the South West was administered as a French Protectorate until
1957. Berlin, entirely within the Soviet zone was itself divided into 4
How did Germany become divided into separate
When the Allies met again at Potsdam in
July-August 1945 they set out their immediate objectives regarding
Germany, including denazification, demilitarisation and democratisation.
They also agreed that although political power in Germany would be
decentralised, it would be treated as a single economic unit. However,
in 1949, West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany – FRG) and East
Germany (the German Democratic Republic – GDR) were established as
separate states.
The process of denazification aimed to
identify and punish Nazis, to re-educate German people, and by removing
the ideology of Nazism, establish a basis for democracy. The most
prominent aspect of this process were the Nuremberg Trials of those
leading Nazis who had been captured at the end of the War. The Trials
resulted in several death sentences; others received life imprisonment.
The Trials produced a thorough documentation of Nazi crimes, they
established a principle of individual responsibility even when the
accused claimed to be following orders, and they set before the German
people the nature of the crimes committed in their name. Even so, the
Trials were criticised as an example of ‘victors’ justice’ carried out
for the purpose of revenge. The presence among the prosecutors of
officials from the Soviet Union, a country responsible for comparable
crimes, further undermined the process.
The Allies each attempted to identify and
punish Nazis in their zones. However, this process ran into practical
difficulties largely due to the scale of the task. There were
approximately 8 million Nazi Party members by the end of the War so it
would not be possible to punish Germans simply for being Nazis. However,
attempts to distinguish degrees of guilt among such a large group would
be a difficult, time-consuming task. As attention turned to the
problems of reconstruction it became necessary to engage competent
administrators among the population. After 12 years of Nazism it was
inevitable that people with the required experience were often ex-Nazis
and so zealous denazification was replaced by turning a pragmatic blind
In the Soviet analysis, Nazism was a result
of “capitalist self-interest in a moment of crisis. Accordingly, the
Soviet authorities paid little attention to the distinctively racist
side of Nazism, and its genocidal outcome, and instead focused their
arrests...on businessmen, tainted officials, teachers and others
responsible for advancing the interests of the social class purportedly
standing behind Hitler.” (T. Judt, Post War, p.59) This dismantling
of capitalism set the Soviet zone on a different path from the western
zones where Britain, America and France would nurture the reconstruction
of a market economy.
The Allies originally planned to maintain a
united Germany, but mutual suspicion, in particular Soviet anxiety at
facing a permanent 3:1 majority of Western Powers, led to the decision
to give supreme authority in each zone to its military commander rather
than to any joint governmental organisation. France also opposed moves
to re-establish a unified German state and so vetoed the creation of
centralised German administrative departments. All the Allies were
united in their determination to prevent a return to Nazism. Political
organisation was decentralised in a Federal system that allocated
greater power to the individual German states (Länder). However,
political renewal in Germany was hampered by the Allies differing
interpretations of ‘democracy’. To the British and Americans, it was
preferable to offer Germans the prospect of improvement through their
own democratic political engagement rather than risk alienating Germans
by prolonging military rule. Non-Nazi parties were encouraged to re-form
and participate in elections. In the East, the Soviet Union’s authority
rested on the exercise of power and less on the development of consent.
Emerging political parties were soon abolished and power consolidated in
the hands of the Communists. Stalin’s heavy handed approach in the East
had the beneficial effect for the Western Allies of undermining support
for Communist politicians in the West.
The Allies had agreed to treat Germany as a
single economic unit. However, each would be allowed to extract
reparations from their zone. In recognition of the greater damage
suffered by the Soviet Union, 10% of reparations from the western zones
would be given to the Soviets. Despite the agreements, therefore, each
zone was in fact being treated as a separate economic entity. The
Soviets set about dismantling factories and removing machinery,
initiating the enduring economic disparity between East and West
Germany. For the Americans and British the issue of extracting
reparations was of less concern than the economic burden of supporting
their zones. In 1946, food shortages were so acute in Britain that
bread rationing was introduced, a measure that had not been necessary
during the War itself. Meanwhile, the UK tax payer was subsidising food
imports to the British Zone in Germany. In these circumstances, British
and American attention turned to plans for making their zones
economically self-sufficient.
thousand two hundred enterprises were hastily dismantled in a
fortnight, possibly out of fear that the Allies would call a
halt in favour of a systematic policy. Electricity cables and
toilets were ripped out of private homes on ‘orders’ from
Moscow. For the United States, it was clear that the Russians
had no intention of feeding the cow they wished to milk. This
was not only morally indefensible, it was bad economics too.”L.
Kettenacker, Germany Since 1945, OUP, 1997, p.13.
What does Kettenacker mean by ‘feeding the cow they wished to
What similarities and differences were there in Allied policy
towards Germany?
In January 1947, the British and Americans
united their areas of occupation into “Bizonia”. Over the following two
years Bizonia accrued further symbols of statehood, such as a central
bank, a supreme court, its own currency, and the French zone was also
amalgamated. The replacement of the inflated old currency with the new
Deutsche Mark and the lifting of price controls introduced incentives to
the economy, encouraging greater production and halted the
inefficiencies of what had become a barter system. The economic
divergence of the two Germanys was accelerated by the provision of
massive financial aid from the US for Western Europe under the
Marshall Plan. The Soviet Union, suspicious of American motives,
rejected this aid and Stalin ordered his satellite states in Eastern
Europe to do the same. As capitalism was eradicated in the East,
economic recovery was boosted in a West Germany restored to the
international economy.
The Marshall
Plan was a scheme to provide impoverished European countries
with American economic aid in the form of food, fuel, raw
materials, and equipment. The plan aimed to rebuild the European
economy, to restore international trade, to re-establish markets
for America goods and to strengthen Europe against communism.
To what
extent was the Marshall Plan an example of ‘enlightened
The status of Berlin was a further cause of
tension. In June 1948, Stalin blocked access by road and rail from the
western zones to West Berlin in the hope that the Western Allies would
be forced to either surrender their sections of the capital or abandon
their plans for a separate West German state. Instead, the Western
Allies sustained West Berlin through this blockade with a massive
airlift of food and supplies reinforcing its position as a Western
enclave and Germany’s division deepened.
The US had again demonstrated its commitment
to the security of West Germany and Western Europe and its determination
to adhere to the Truman Doctrine of the
containment of communism. Stalin’s actions were hardly likely to win him
the allegiance of ordinary Germans and his confrontational methods
contributed to the division of Germany, an outcome he claimed to oppose.
This hardening of Cold War front lines made the development of a
neutral, unified Germany impossible.
The Truman
Doctrine was a set of American foreign policy principles
announced by President Harry Truman in March 1947. The US would
“support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by
armed minorities or by outside pressures”. In other words the US
would contain communism as demonstrated by American support for
anti-communists in Greece and Turkey in 1947 and by the
determined response to the Berlin Blockade in 1948-9.
German politicians shared a reluctance to
participate in the division of their country. That an alternative
settlement was possible is demonstrated by the example of Austria which
developed as a unified and neutral state. However, Germany was much
larger than Austria and much more important to the two superpowers
making the first moves in their struggle for superiority. In these
circumstances, German politicians had insufficient power to influence
events to their satisfaction. Konrad Adenauer (see below) and his East German
Walter Ulbricht publicly insisted on their desire for unity
but only ever on their own terms, with their political system being
imposed on the other. Furthermore, as a politician closely associated
with his home region in the West of Germany, Adenauer’s chances of
personal electoral success would not be enhanced by the addition of
several million East German votes. Disappointing results for Communist
candidates in elections in Berlin and elsewhere demonstrated to Ulbricht
the limited prospects of genuine democratic success for his Party in
Germany as a whole.
began his political career representing the Catholic
Centre Party and was elected Mayor of Cologne from 1917 to 1933.
He was dismissed from office and twice imprisoned by the Nazis.
After the War, he established a new movement, the Christian
Democratic Union (CDU), as a party that would appeal to
Protestants as well as Catholics. Adenauer steered the CDU to
the centre-right of German politics in competition with the more
radically left wing Socialist Party (SPD). He formed an alliance
with the Christian Social Union (CSU), a centre right Bavarian
party.He achieved
further prominence as Chairman of the parliamentary council
which drew up the Basic Law of the new state on 23rd
May 1949 and thereby established the Federal Republic of
Germany. In September 1949, at the age of 73, Konrad Adenauer
was elected as the first Chancellor of West Germany.
As the stand off in Berlin continued, plans
for a West German state were drawn up. Representatives of each of the
West German Länder produced the Basic Law of the new state on 23rd
May 1949. The Basic Law aimed to prevent any return to Nazism;
checks and balances ensured that power was shared between branches of
government and between the federal Länder. It committed West Germany to
the protection of human rights and the right to ban anti-democratic
political parties. It was envisaged as a provisional document in
anticipation of the future reunification of Germany at which point a
permanent constitution could be created. The provisional nature of the
legal framework reflects the politicians’ reluctance to be seen as
collaborators in their country’s permanent partition and was further symbolised by the unlikely choice of the relatively small city of Bonn
as the capital.
The Soviet response was to proclaim the
establishment of the German Democratic Republic in their zone on the 7th
October 1949. Germany was now divided into two states each claiming to
represent the entire German people. Hitler had often claimed that his
Germany was defending Western civilization and fighting a ‘crusade
against communism’. The West German state indeed became the West’s front
line against communism, facing an East German neighbour integrated into
the Soviet Empire. Hitler’s defeat had removed the common cause which
bound the Allies together and the Cold War saw a return to older
suspicions between two hostile ideologies. The disagreements over
Germany underlined the incompatibility of these two systems and the
impossibility of maintaining a unified state. Neither side could accept
the other’s domination of Germany and so partition became the most
acceptable option.
Activity -
The division of
immediate cause of the division of Germanylies in
Stalin’s own errors in these years. In central Europe, where he
would have preferred a united Germany, weak and neutral, he
squandered his advantage in 1945 and in subsequent years by
uncompromising rigidity and confrontational tactics.”
T. Judt, Post
War, p.127
serious politician or author can dispute that, as a consequence
of the war, the German national state became divided. By the
way, not by the Communists and anti-Fascists but rather by
Konrad Adenauer, according to the motto, ‘Better half of
Germany, than a complete communist Germany.’ GDR Government Minister
Kurt Hager, interview with Stern Magazine, April, 1987,
Translation by Evron M. Kirkpatrick; World
Affairs, Vol. 152, 1990.
both (Adenauer and Ulbricht) chose to settle for half a cake
baked to their own preferred recipe. The respective recipes had
been supplied by the occupying powers.” P. O’Dochartaigh, Germany
Since 1945, p.35
the final analysis it should not be forgotten that ultimately
the division of Germany was the legacy of an occupation that was
the culmination of a war ignited by German racism, German
expansionism and German tanks and guns. The primary
responsibility for the division of Germany lies not in the
events of 1945-9, but in the behaviour of the German people
after 1933.”
O’Dochartaigh, Germany Since 1945, p.36
leaders had been tempted to hold out for a united Germany; but
the Berlin blockade removed their hesitations” N. Davies, Europe,
p. 1071
Federal Republic of Germany emerged as much as a result of the
political calculations of the Western Allied powers – the USA,
the UK and France – as because of the efforts of the founding
fathers of the ‘Bonn Republic’ in Germany.” S. Green et al, The
Politics of the New Germany, p.22