‘In retrospect, 1953 may be seen as
the high point of
Franco’s political career, a moment of triumph with the forces of the
Nationalist coalition united around him. Before the end of the decade,
whilst his survival could hardly be threatened, he would find himself no
longer entirely in control, forced to abandon the Falange and leave the
detailed management of economics and, by extension, politics to expert
technocrats’ (Preston p.635.)
By 1953 Franco’s position
was apparently more secure than at any point in the previous decade. The
onset of the Cold War, and in particular its intensification during the
Korean War, ended the period of Spain’s total international ostracism.
In November 1950, Spain received a $62m loan from the USA as part of the
European Co-operation Administration despite not belonging to the
Marshall Plan. The 1952 decision to allow Spain membership of UNESCO
was followed up in December 1955 with full membership of the United
Nations. Successes in international relations stood in stark contrast to
continued economic weaknesses. Per capita meat consumption in 1950 was
only half what it had been in 1926 and bread consumption only half what
it had been in 1936. Shortages and corruption was so bad that families
were forced to pay black market prices double those in the shops. For
the very poorest in the south of Spain, conditions were so bad that
families, and even whole villages, packed up their belongings and headed
to the industrial cities of the north. With nowhere else to live, they
built barracas (shacks) out of what ever materials they could
find. The shanty towns that grew up on the edge of the big cities had no
running water or sewerage and it could take years before electricity was
By 1957, the regime was
virtually bankrupt, inflation was heading for double figures and there
was evidence of serious discontent amongst students, workers and the
younger, more radical members of the Falange. In addition, the year
previously Franco, the man who had once dreamt of a great African
empire, had been forced to grant independence to Spanish Morocco.
Repression and exile
continued to be an important means of controlling those on the left and
Franco’s Machiavellian balancing of the various conservative interest
groups in the government Movimiento (see previous section) continued to
keep the right in check. This was increasingly difficult after the
international agreements of 1953 when the common foreign enemy which had
united the various groups within the Movimiento disappeared. Franco was
getting old and showing signs of this. Most of his time was taken up by
hunting and fishing trips and spending time with his grandchildren. The
political divisions that opened up between the Monarchists and the
Falange reflected the different competing agendas for Spain after
Franco. Franco’s resolved the problem by bringing a third group (the
Opus Dei technocrats) into the political equation that seemed to provide
a series of policy solutions to Spain’s economic crisis. It also helped
that he kept the question of his succession open for as long as possible
until he finally named Juan Carlos his heir in 1969.
hagiographic propaganda film directed by José Luis Sáenz
de Heredia and written by José María Sánchez Silva.
Described by Paul Preston as a ‘skilful piece of work’,
the film portrays Franco as a national saviour, the ‘man
who forged twenty-five years of peace’. It was a
considerable box office success and still attracts
significant viewing figures and pro-Franco comments on
Strict control of the
media and Falangist propaganda continued to reinforce the regime, but
even taken together with coercion, Franco would have had little chance
of survival had the 1960s not been characterised by an unprecedented
period of economic growth.
February 1957 Franco
reshuffled the cabinet and brought in Alberto Ullastres Calvo (Trade)
and Mariano Navarro Rubio (Finance) – a new breed of technocrats. The
key characteristics were their proven ability in academic or
professional life and membership of or sympathy with the secretive
Catholic sect Opus Dei.
Founded in Spain in 1928
by the priest St. Josemaría Escrivá (right), Opus Dei is an organisation
within the Catholic Church. In 1960s Spain, Opus Dei tried to
address fact that industrialisation and urbanisation tends to
lead to the growth of liberal ideals and anti-Catholic
sentiments. It was argued that if devout Catholics could
supervise economic growth they could control it in order to
safeguard Catholic values. In popular imagination Opus Dei is
largely associated with the practice of mortification of the
flesh and evil monk of the popular novel and film The Da
Vinci Code.
The Stabilisation plan of
1957, was designed in the short term to tackle in inflation and balance
of payments deficit and in the longer term to break with the Falangist
policy of autarky, which had so restricted the possibility of economic
growth. Public spending was cut, wages frozen, credit restricted and the
peseta (the Spanish currency) was devalued. The short term economic
goals were achieved with the inevitable social costs that result from a
dramatic cut in people’s real earnings. Unemployment reached nearly 35%
in 1959-1960. (Sheelagh M. Ellwood, Franco, p. 187
(2000) Pearson Education) But the early 1960s the Spanish economy
entered a period of sustained economic growth that at 7% per annum was
faster than any non-communist economy with the exception of Japan.
For apologists of the
regime, the economic growth was the direct beneficial consequence of
‘Franco’s peace’ and the Stabilization Plan. But if the Spanish economy
made significant progress in the 1960s it was largely because it had so
far to go.
Critics draw attention to the fact that the Spanish Miracle (Desarrollo)
benefitted from a wider European boom that largely fuelled the backward
Spanish economy. Foreign investment was attracted by the low cost of
labour and the lack of civil rights that the authoritarian regime
Northern Europe’s expanding middle class provided
significant foreign exchange earnings with their spending on package
tour holidays on the rapidly developing Spanish Costas. And Spaniards
working in the service sector abroad, most of whom were either political
or economic exiles, sent home remittances of one third of their earnings
to the families left behind.
By 1973 there were 750,000 Spaniards
working in Germany and France. (Carr p. 157) By 1964 Spain had ceased
to be the list of UNO ‘developing nations’ and when the Desarrollo
ended with the world oil crisis of 1973, Spain was the world’s ninth
biggest industrial power.
Taken from An economic
history of modern Spain Joseph Harrison – Manchester
University Press 1978.
If the ambition of the
Opus Dei technocrats was secure Franco’s authoritarian regime, they were
successful in the short-term. The most prominent of the technocrats
López Rodó argued that if Spain could
achieve a per capita income of $2000 then social tensions would
disappear. During a decade of unprecedented economic growth the number
of Spanish homes with washing machines increased from 19% to 52%, those
with fridges from 4% to 66% and those with cars from 1% to 10%. Average
incomes almost tripled during the 1960s, so that López Rodó could boast
‘never had so much been achieved in short a time’. (Carr p.161)
As with the authoritarian communist regimes of
Eastern Bloc during the same period, economic growth helped to generate
both loyalty from a new elite class of administrators who had
successfully passed the state examination system (oposiciones) and
political indifference amongst the great majority. The end of shortages
and availability of consumer durables, combined with a culture of
evasion to produce the main political objective of the Franco regime,
apathy. As literacy levels began to improve, ‘kiosk literature’ and
romantic ‘photo novels’ found a mass market ready to escape the trials
of everyday Spain. 1950s Spain had more cinema seats per capita than any
other European culture and this influence was quickly replaced by
massive influence of state controlled television which reached 90% on
the population by 1970 compared to only 1% a decade earlier.
Televisión Española (TVE) was established as
a state monopoly in 1956. As with all media it was subject to
censorship which in the case of television was stricter than
most. Plans for making television programmes had to be approved
by an advisory commission made up of officials from the church,
the army etc. And before programmes could be aired they were
previewed by a censor who would require cuts to be made. Cuts
were likely to be made for political or moral reasons.
The Billy
Wilder film, The Lost Weekend (right) was censored by a Dominican monk who ordered
the following to be cut:
Kiss at point of farewell
When he steals the woman’s handbag,
eliminate the shots in which she and her companion behave
with excessive affection.
Kiss and conversation while holding one
another. Temper the kiss.
The same censor also
recommended changes to a French comedy film because it ridiculed
the Gestapo and Hitler. Cf. John Hooper, The
New Spaniards p.363
Football offered a similar means of escape and was
fully exploited by the regime. Its popularity was enhanced by the
success of the national team in the 1964
UEFA European Nations Cup and Real Madrid
who were European Cup finalists on eight occasions in the period
1956-66, six times winners. As football loving Franco asserted, with
Match of the Day and TV most of my subjects ‘have nothing to complain
of’. (Carr p.164)
Real Madrid 1960-61
One of the most
significant economic consequences of the Desarrollo was the
increased gap between the richest provinces of the north and the poorer
south. Provinces such as Badajoz and Granada had per capita incomes well
under half of the Basque province of Vizcaya. (An economic history of
modern Spain Joseph Harrison – Manchester University Press 1978
p.166) By 1970, 70% of homes in Madrid had television sets, compared to
only 11% in Soria. (Carr: 157) A second significant consequence was the
rapid urbanisation of Spain. In 1940 half of the active population had
worked on the land, by the time of Franco’s death the Spanish were
largely city dwellers with a similar percentage of agricultural workers
as their French neighbours.
It could be argued that
the economic growth designed to protect Franco’s regime, undermined the
very social structure and cultural mindset that helped create the
regime. Falangist’s had glorified the peasant farmer and traditional
class structure of southern Spain, but the urbanisation of Desarrollo
did much to destroy this. Falangist propaganda may have denigrated
the moral turpitude of the liberal democracies but Spain’s economic
revival depended on the remittances of Spaniards living in these
democracies. These Spaniards generally came back home eventually (see
table 48 above) and they brought with them ‘dangerous’ liberal ideas and
attitudes. Education reform had a similar effect. The modernization of
the Spanish economy required the young to be better educated than ever
before, but by the late 1960s a radical Marxist subculture had emerged
in the universities. Perhaps the best illustration of the paradoxical
consequences of the Franco economic reforms was the policy to encourage
tourism after 1959, the year when visas were abolished. The tourist boom
was essential to the Spanish economic miracle, but is was not only made
possible by the unrestricted development of the Costas, but also by a
willingness to accept the liberal mores of the northern European holiday
makers whose presence and example was an anathema to the values of
traditional catholic Spain.
After negotiations to join the European
Community collapsed in 1962, Franco’s Spain depended on cultural
outlets like sport to bolster its international status.
Unexpected victory in the 1968 Eurovision song contest served a similar function.
However, a documentary in 2008 by Spanish film maker Montse
Fernandez Vila claimed that Franco had the voting rigged, she
argues ‘the regime was well aware of the need to improve its
image overseas ... When you look at all the parties they
organised and how Massiel was transformed into a national
heroine, you realise it was rather over the top for a singing
competition. It was all intended to boost the regime.’
It has been argued that
the economic transformation of Spain in the 1960s made the peaceful
transition to democracy possible. This suggests that Opus Dei failed in
its ambition to protect traditional Catholic interests in Spain. But
what was the alternative, would Franco’s regime have survived as long as
it did without the economic transformation? This is the paradox of
Franco’s Spain. The dictatorship only survived by overseeing the social,
economic and (importantly) cultural transformation of Spain that meant
that the dictatorship was unlikely to survive Franco’s death.
The language of history
- can people other than historians write history?
Did the Bikini save
In 1959 the Mayor of
Benidorm on the Costa del Sol, Pedro Zaragoza, was threatened
with excommunication by the Catholic Church for signing a
municipal order that allowed the wearing of the fashionable two
piece swimsuit the bikini. In 1950s Spain excommunication meant
the end of an individual’s career. After a nine hour Vespa ride
to Madrid and an audience with Franco, Zaragoza secured the
support of the Caudillo and the patronage of his wife Carmen
Polo who later became a regular visitor to Benidorm. The
excommunication process was dropped. The bikini stayed.
‘Some see this, at least
symbolically, as a defining moment in recent Spanish history…The
tourists had the power to outface the Church. They brought not
just their money, but the seeds of change. They also brought the
fresh air of democracy. There was no turning back... General
Franco was there at the key moment. Without the bikini there,
quite possibly, would have been no modern Benidorm and, in fact,
precious little tourism at all’
(Giles Tremlett - ‘How the
Bikini saved Spain’, Ghosts of Spain p103)
Giles Tremlett is a
journalist for the British newspaper The Guardian. Why is the story of Pedro Zaragoza’s nine hour Vespa ride
to Madrid so central to Tremlett’s account? How else might
you expect has account to be different to that of a
professional historian?
Which is the more
significant turning point in Spanish history, Franco’s
decision to allow bikinis on the beaches of Spain or his
decision to reshuffle his cabinet in 1957? How did you reach
your decision?
Does Tremlett think
the decision to allow bikinis was an important turning point
in recent Spanish history? Give reasons for your answer.
What makes a
professional historian different to other people who might
write about the past? Are these differences positive things?
Franco died in 1975 Spain stood alone in Western Europe as the only
remaining authoritarian regime that owed it origins to pre-war fascism.
As we have seen, in many respects Spain had been radically transformed.
But for all the social and economic changes, the state and laws were
fundamentally unchanged from the system established at the end of the
civil war.
Franco remained Head of
State until his death and was his own Prime Minister until 1972.
Politically, the Organic Law of 1967 extended participation in the
political system to the heads of families, but otherwise the
constitution was still firmly rooted in the concept of ‘organic
democracy’ where the Cortes represented not political parties but
interest groups drawn from the monarchists, the army, the church and the
Falange. In 1967 Franco warned reformist elements who were to succeed in
introducing limited liberalisation of the press that ‘If by contrast of
opinions somebody is seeking to establish political parties, let him
know that will never return’. (quoted in Carr p.168)
In addition to this
anti-democratic legacy, the Spanish state in the early 1970s clearly
reflected the deeply conservative influence of Franco. Women in Franco’s
Spain, for example, were legally second class citizens. Amongst European
states only Turkey had a comparable degree of institutionalized
discrimination against married women and ‘on several counts the status
of wives in Turkey was actually higher’. (Hooper p.126) The basis of the
relationship between men and women was the concept of permiso marital.
Without her husband’s permission, a wife could not, for example, take a
job, open a bank account or even travel any significant distance without
her husband’s approval. On becoming married a Spanish women gave up
control of any property she owned to her husband, which also became the
case for anything she came to own during the marriage. And although
adultery was a crime punishable for both men and women with up to six
years in prison, it was generally only a crime for men if the affair
became public knowledge. In addition, there was no divorce in Franco’s
Spain and contraception was illegal.
Perhaps the legacy that
was to have the longest lasting influence on Spain at the end of the 20th
century was Franco’s resistance to political devolution to the national
regions of Spain, most notably the Catalans and the Basques. (see map of
Spain above px) For Franco, the devolution of power to the regions by
the Second Republic of the 1930s had been one of the very reasons why
the army had felt the need to launch a coup d’état in 1936. Along with
socialists and communists, the regional nationalists would have no place
in Franco’s Spain. Strict restrictions on the use national languages of
Catalan, Basque, Gallego etc. were only gradually lifted after 1945 and
remained in force on radio, television and in the press until Franco’s
death. However, by the late 1960s regional nationalism and protest
against the suppression on regionalism was on the rise. In Catalonia
this protest was largely expressed peacefully through cultural means. In
the Basque country protest became associated with the terrorist group
ETA which soon became caught up in spiral of violence which
continues to the present day.
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
which in English means ‘Basque
Homeland and Freedom’ is dedicated to achieving independence for
the Basque country. ETA began its terrorist campaign in the late
1960s and despite the transition to democracy and the granting
of significant regional autonomy to the Basque country, ETA
continued its campaign against the Spanish state. In the late
1970s and early 1980s as many as a hundred people were killed
every year in ETA attacks. The influence of the group has
gradually declined since the 1990s and in March 2006 it declared
a permanent ceasefire. Peace talks failed and ETA ended its
ceasefire in June 2007. On the 50th anniversary of
its founding in July 2009, an attack that killed two Guardia
Civil officers in Majorca brought the total number of ETA
killings to 828. At the same time there were more than 500 ETA
prisoners in Spanish jails.
Franco’s last years were
marked by rapidly declining health and the jostling for position amongst
the Franco factions: the búnker (far-right) who resisted all
reform and the aperturistas who promoted transition to democracy
as a means of promoting their own survival. Admiral Luis Carrero
Blanco, Franco’s loyal deputy became increasingly responsible for
the day to day management of the country and facing the world oil crisis
and unprecedented unrest from students, workers and Basque nationalists
he resorted to increasingly authoritarian measures.
A hardliner, close
political ally of Franco and opponent of reform, he famously
said ‘To offer change to a Spaniard is like offering a drink to
a confirmed alcoholic.’ Described by Paul Preston as Franco’s ‘alter
ego’, he was appointed Prime Minister in June 1973.
assassination by ETA in December the same year led Franco to
comment, ‘they have cut my last link with the world’. It also
seriously undermined Franco’s attempts to ensure the
continuation of the regime after his death.
Increasing criticism from
the Catholic Church was matched with international condemnation of the
‘Burgos Trials’ of ETA members and show trials of underground trade
unionists. After the assassination of Carrero-Blanco in December 1973,
Carlos Arias Navarro became Prime Minister but little substantive could
be achieved given the divisions within the cabinet and Franco’s regular
Franco’s last significant action was to confirm five
death sentences for ETA members in the face of worldwide diplomatic
protests led by Pope Paul VI.
He died on November 20th 1975,
exactly 39 years to the day after the death of José Antonio Primo de
Rivera the founder of the Falange. Franco is
buried opposite Primo de Rivera at the Valle de los Caídos.
Essay skills – whose
point of view? Making judgments in history
The IB examiners are quite
keen to set essay questions where students are expected to
evaluate and analyse the rule of the leader of a single party
state over a significant period of time. Typically you might be
invited to ‘Assess the aims and achievements of Franco between
1939 and 1975’.
Leaving aside the
epistemological problem of the historian claiming to ‘know’ what
someone intended (see TOK box on page x) we are still left
confronting a series of both practical and ethical problems.
The practical problem is
how to answer such a ‘big’ question in the 50 minutes allowed
for HL essays. Planning and selection of relevant supporting
information are the keys to success. The question needs to be
broken up both temporally and thematically. Temporally the essay
must recognise that the aims of Franco the general at the end of
the Second World War were not identical to those of the aging
Caudillo in 1969. Thematically the essay must make judgements
based on criteria that incorporate political, economic, social
and cultural aspects of Spain during this period. A successful
essay must therefore break-up Franco’s regime into manageable
periods (as this book does) whilst making judgements on its
successes and failures in Spain as a whole. It requires
carefully selected examples to illustrate and support the points
being made.
The ethical problem
follows on from this need to make a judgement. The great English
social historian E.P. Thompson was famous for urging historians
to judge people in the past on their own terms, therefore
avoiding ‘the enormous condescension of posterity’. If we are
to judge Franco on the terms of his aims alone we cannot help
but conclude with Paul Preston that ‘in terms of his ability to
stay in power, Franco’s achievement was remarkable’. But
Franco’s aims were also to resist democracy, punish dissent and
subjugate women. Is the fact that he achieved these aims as well
also to be judged a success? Again we can conclude with Preston
that, ‘the human cost in terms of the executions, the
imprisonments, the torture, the lives destroyed by political
exile and economic migration points to the exorbitant price paid
by Spain for Franco’s “Triumphs”’. (Preston p.786)