International School History - European Schools - S6 4 hour option

S6 4hr History Last update - 04 November 2019 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Compulsory Core - Europe 1 - Europe Transformed by the First World War - syllabus
Key Questions and learning and assessment objectives. Lessons Additional materials and external links
What was the international situation like after 1871? The Great Powers of Europe activity sheet and table to be completed.

Must see documentary video on the origins of WWI.

Website made by my students in 2001 to show the situation in Europe before the First World War. 

John Lowe extract on the international situation after 1871.
The Great War

28 part 1960s series. Part 1 gives an excellent country-by-country overview of Europe before 1914.

The First World War

10 part, 2003 Channel 4 documentary series covers all aspects of the war.


What were the long-term causes of the First World War? Worksheet - Militarism, Imperialism and Nationalism, an introductory overview. Also PowerPoint.

The major tensions between the Powers. Worksheet from Walsh p.4-7


John Lowe extract on the international situation after 1871.
The Great War

28 part 1960s series.
Part 2

Want to study history at Yale? See Professor John Merriman's lectures on imperialism, nationalism and the coming of World War 1.


What were the medium-term causes of the First World War? The major tensions between the Powers.

Worksheet from Walsh p.8-11


What was the July Crisis and why did it lead to war? Days that Shook the World video on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Worksheet on the short-term causes causes of the war

Walsh pages 7-10


Did Gavrillo Princip really stop for a sandwich before starting the First World War? A brilliant critique of history documentary film-making by Mr Allsop.

John D Clare explains that MANIA caused the war and that ARSE best explains the July crisis!

Blackadder and Horrible Histories explain the causes of the First World War - videos

The Great War week by week, an ambitious YouTube channel that aims to cover every week of the war as it happened, 100 years later.

On the summer of 1914, see this brilliant drama-documentary from the BBC made for the centenary in 2014.

Image result for 37 days documentary


How can we organize the causes of WWI to show themes and connections? Causes of World War 1 mind mapping exercise (worksheet).

Walsh pp. 4-7 GCSE Modern World History


The Corner website offers a very clear outline of major themed causes of the war. 
See Wikipedia on the complex causes of WWI, includes historiography.
A clever narrative at
Dr Gary Sheffield at the BBC wins my vote by starting with a quote from Baldrick.

The brilliant John D Clare provides an excellent GCSE perspective with recommended links for further research.


How can we explain the origins of the First World War? - Plenary Lecture notes to be supplemented with notes from Walsh pp.2-11

Blackadder and Horrible Histories explain the causes of the First World War - videos


A more challenging and detailed essay on the long and short-term causes of the war from a Lancaster university's Baroness Ruth Henig.

Additional Video. Episode 1 History of Warfare in the 20th Century

My lecture was partly based on this essay by Philip Bell - 'Origins of war in 1914'. Read in PDF or web version.


How have historians debated the origins of the First World War?

The historiography of WWI

Lecture notes on the historiography of the causes of WWI.

Classic 10 minutes AJP Taylor video explains the causes of World War as a result of 'railway timetables'.

Bethmann Hollweg's September Memorandum, central to the Fischer Thesis

The historians and the origins of the First World War - McDonough (essential extract)

Brilliant documentary - The impact of WWI - Cambridge Historian. David Reynolds traces the legacy of the Great War across 100 years and 10 different countries, examining how the war haunted a generation and shaped the peace that followed. Also a lecture by the same author.

John D Clare provides a typically clear summary of historian's views.

The historians and the origins of the First World War - McDonough (extended extract)

WWI as a necessary war. Recent BBC documentary video.

Wikipedia provides a very detailed account of the July Crisis.

Who was responsible for the First World War? Textbook extract from Origins of the First World War - Graham Darby.
Play an e-Help simulation on the causes of the First World war by taking on the role of the Kaiser. Available in English, Spanish, Dutch and German.


How can we learn the causes of the First World War?



Causes of World War 1 Fling the Teacher quiz or penalty shootout quiz.

Or a boring version...

John D Clare's quiz Mnemonics
Mark Steel's amusing quiz An interactive spider diagram
SchoolHistory lesson or quiz BBC Bitesize
Why was the war not over by Christmas? Walsh 16-19 GCSE Modern World History

Worksheet to be completed by hand or e-version.

See the outstanding BBC website on the First World War. And this animation in particular which graphically demonstrates how the war developed.


What makes a source useful? A case study of WWI.

What is the 'source matrix'?

What is the difference between history and heritage?




Worksheet. covering the 3Rs usefulness model and the 'source matrix'. Copies of all the source cards used in the lesson.
The usefulness of sources This section of the website provides a detailed examination of the usefulness of the sources found in examination. .
A guide to using documents. This document introduces the 3Rs model and offers advice on using a range of different sources like statistics, autobiographies and cartoons.

J Bronowski - History as art and science - video

Why is the First World War described as a 'total war'? WWI as a 'total war'. Mindmapping, notemaking activity worksheet.

Walsh 20-29 and 66-76 GCSE Modern World History  
Killing Fields Video on WWI from the 1990s documentary series People's Century. Website for the series.

Short interesting piece from the BBC on propaganda and WWI.

See how the British media reported the execution of the nurse Edith Cavell in Schaerbeek, Brussels in 1915.

Diagram and case study of UK

WWI propaganda posters.

Excellent BBC documentary on the life of the war poet Wilfred Owen.

Recent BBC Documentary 'World War One from above' offers multiple new perspectives on the war.

Women and WWI, (edited essay)
BBC on the home front in Britain.
On the geographical extent of the war see episode 3. On the battles of Verdun and the Somme see episode 6.

How did the war weaken the Tsarist regime and contribute to the February revolution? Russia and World War I worksheet.

Diagram to be completed on the causes of the February revolution.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 97-107 for background information and  108-110 for activities.
Red Flag - Video on the Russian Revolutions from the 1990s documentary series People's Century. Website for the series.

The First World War
Part 8 examines the impact of the First World War on the Russian Revolution of March 1917.

Graham Darby extract on why Nicholas II was forced to abdicate Imaginative video reconstruction that focuses on the role of Rasputin in the March 1917 revolution.

Importance of war diagram.
BBC radio broadcast.


Why did the Bolsheviks come to power in October 1917? Worksheet and PowerPoint on why there were two revolutions in 1917 and extended text version.


Timeline of 1917. Lenin in 1917 by Figes.

Walsh 114-116 GCSE Modern World History

Graham Darby extract on why the Provisional Government failed.

Video of the Russian Revolution in colour.

John D Clare on the October Revolution.

Role of the individual in history extract from E H Carr's What is History? and questions to consider. An essay by McDonough. Documentary video on Lenin.


Why was Germany defeated in 1918? Worksheet. Extended extract from Ian Cawood and David McKinnon-Bell

Article - Why the war in Greece contributed to the defeat of Germany.

The First World War
Part 9 examines the events of 1918 that led to German defeat.


What were the aims of the peace makers at the Paris Peace Conference? Summary sheet taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.

Worksheet to be completed.

Cannon et al. IB 20th century world history course companion pp. 13-25

Extract from Culpin and Henig - Modern Europe. Chapter 10 - Peacemaking... (pp. 137-151)

What were the terms of the Paris Peace Treaties?
Paris 1919 Peace Treaties role-play activity.
Previous role-plays.

The rules of the role-play
Examples of motions and amendments.
Useful maps

Short BBC documentary film - Make Germany Pay.


Extract from Culpin and Henig - Modern Europe. Chapter 10 - Peacemaking. (pp. 151-163) 

John D Clare on the Paris Peace Treaties - an outstanding source with many useful links.

A fling the teacher quiz that includes 90 possible questions.

How effective were the peace treaties?
Must see documentary extract. David Reynolds explains how the Paris Peace Treaties helped create not only WWII but also the European Union.

Walsh 80-91 and for Brest-Litovsk see118 GCSE Modern World History
Lost Peace Video on the Peace treaties and their consequences from the 1990s documentary series People's Century. Website for the series.
Judgements of various 'historians' on the treaties compiled by John D Clare
Essay by
Hans A. Schmitt Essay by Raffael Scheck

John D Clare outlines the successes and failures of the Big Three at Versailles.

Brilliant documentary - The impact of WWI - Cambridge Historian. David Reynolds traces the legacy of the Great War across 100 years and 10 different countries, examining how the war haunted a generation and shaped the peace that followed.

A more academic essay on the BBC site by Dr Ruth Henig 

Extract from Culpin and Henig - Modern Europe. Chapter 10 - Peacemaking. (pp. 151-163) 

BBC - How the peace treaties shaped the modern world.




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