International School History - European Schools - S6 4 hour option

S6 4hr History Last update - 18 May 2023 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Compulsory Core - Europe 2- Dictatorship and democracy: Europe in the interwar years (1918-39) - syllabus
Key Questions and learning and assessment objectives. Lessons Additional materials and external links
What is good government and what is the ideological spectrum?
Political Compass website survey of your political position on the ideological spectrum.
Left and Right concept diagram and comments from the blog discussion.


What was the Weimar Republic? How was it created and what problems did it face?


Walsh GCSE Modern World History 137-45

Short BBC documentary film - Make Germany Pay.

What are dictatorships and democracies? Worksheet


What is fascism? Worksheet

Video - the brilliant David Reynolds explains how the First World War caused fascism.

Extract from Robert Pearce Fascism and Nazism. 

Video on Italian Fascism in Colour.
Video on the continuing influence of fascism today.


Who was Adolf Hitler and what did the Nazis stand for in the 1920s? Walsh GCSE Modern World History 148-50

BBC Video shown in lesson on Hitler's background

Worksheet and extra support sheet.

Ready for the next activity consider the strengths and weaknesses of dramatic reconstruction and traditional documentary on the Munich Putsch of 1923.


Hitler's rise to power dramatic reconstruction.

John D Clare - Nazi Party 1919-29

The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany: How did German's feel about the first five years of democracy?


Walsh GCSE Modern World History 88-90 and 137-145.


Short BBC documentary film - Make Germany Pay.

Brilliant documentary - The impact of WWI - Cambridge Historian. David Reynolds traces the legacy of the Great War across 100 years and 10 different countries, examining how the war haunted a generation and shaped the peace that followed.


How far did the Weimar Republic recover after 1923?



Walsh GCSE Modern World History 88-90 and 146-47.

Short introductory video from the Open University on the impact of the Bauhaus on modernism.

As seen in the previous unit, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Fritz Lang's Metropolis


What were the consequences of the Wall Street Crash and Great Depression? Worksheet
Impact of the Great Depression. Video  from the 1990s documentary series People's Century.

BBC Video series 'American Voices' on the Depression.


Can you understand those who voted for Hitler in 1932? Impact of the Great Depression handout.

Hitler and the Nazis 1918-30 extract taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE. Walsh 148-155 GCSE Modern World History

Hitler as an orator activity - worksheets of sources and questions.

Nazi Party meeting 1932 - Empathy activity
Walsh 156-7 GCSE Modern World History


How did Hitler win power?

Essay planning activity - worksheet.

Nazis: A Warning from History 1 Video shown in class. Questions to go with the video and notes summarising the episode.
Hitler's rise to power dramatic reconstruction.
SchoolHistory online activity

John D Clare - Nazi Party 1919-29 and How Hitler became Chancellor (limp paper is the 9 point mnemonic for essay purposes - can you reorganize this into 4-5 paragraphs?)




How did Hitler become a dictator? 'Steps to dictatorship' diagram to be filled in.
Six factors that explain how Hitler was able to become a dictator.

Dramatic reconstruction of the Reichstag Fire.

The end of democracy extract taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.
Walsh 158-9 GCSE Modern World History


John D Clare - 8 steps to Hitler becoming dictator and interesting summary of why Hitler turned on the SA.
My Reichstag Fire website which includes an article that suggests the Nazis were responsible for starting the fire.
How did Hitler control the German people? Coercion, persuasion and consent: how popular were the Nazis?

Coercion, persuasion and consent - PowerPoint


Complete this table over the next three lessons to show the way the Nazi state controlled the people of Germany. Hitler's domestic policy extract taken from James Mason Modern World history to GCSE.

Nazis: A Warning from History 2 Video shown in class.

Summary notes to go with the video.

Walsh 160-75 GCSE Modern World History

'We have ways of making you think' - Excellent documentary on Goebbels.

John D Clare on how the Nazis consolidated power and how their rule affected ordinary Germans.

Fascinating film biography about Goebbels.

Various significant Nazi Propaganda films.

Isherwood's Berlin how accurate? - BBC Totalitarianism in the cinema - Orwell's 1984 and The Wave 

An excellent series of short BBC revision videos about Germany 1919-33.

What was Hitler's Foreign Policy and how did Europe respond? Table to completed. Walsh 255-272
GCSE Modern World History

Why was Hitler appeased? Worksheet.

Nazis: A Warning from History 3 Video shown in class.

Summary notes to go with the video.

An excellent series of short BBC revision videos about the road to war.


John D Clare on the road to WWII.


How have historians debated the causes of World War II? The three main theories that explain WWII: PowerPoint

1. Inevitable? - extract from Culpin and Henig.
2. Hitler's war? - extract from Darby
3. Guilty Men? - extract from Darby


Short essays on the causes of WWII: Graham Darby, Andrew Crozier and John Charmley.

Extra materials: Darby on British and French foreign policy as a cause of war and why they went to war for Poland in 1939. McDonough on why war broke out in Asia.

Video - BBC 20th Century History File - Why appeasement?
The website of Laurence Rees. The BBC writer producer of the landmark documentaries Nazis: warning from History and Auschwitz..



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