Although there were always ‘fascistic’
elements to the government of Franco’s Spain, it would be an
oversimplification to merely attach the label ‘fascist’ in the hope that
this somehow explains things. (see activity ‘was Franco a fascist?)
Franco was to rule Spain for nearly 40 years until his death in 1975.
During this time Spain underwent significant changes and the regime
evolved accordingly. But some fundamentals did remain the same.
Firstly, Franco was a dictator; the
Caudillo, with powers comparable to Hitler and greater than those of
Mussolini. (Preston
Franco : 275) Secondly, Spain was a single party
state. In Franco’s Spain, the single party was a loose coalition, of
which the fascist party, the Falange, was only a part.
The Falange Española
Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista
(FET de las JONS) was the only legal political entity in Franco’s Spain.
Alongside the Falange,
it was comprised of influential conservative figures from the army, the
Catholic Church and monarchists. Throughout Franco’s rule, the relative
influence of the various constituent groups or ‘families’ within this
coalition or Movimiento Nacional fluctuated, but all groups were
normally represented in the Spanish cabinet. One of the key reasons for
the longevity of Franco’s regime was his ability to maintain a rivalry
between these coalition groups with the permanent goal of securing his
own position.
Thirdly, Spain under Franco had no
democratic institutions. The Cortes established in March 1943,
was an assembly created to represent the ‘important’ interests in Spain,
what Franco described as ‘organic democracy’. The Cortes did not have
the right to initiate legislation or to vote against the government; it
could only approve laws presented by the executive. Two thirds of the
representatives were directly appointed by Franco or by one of his
ministers and the other third were ‘elected’ by Falangist groups from
approved lists of candidates. The representative nature of the Cortes
did become broader over time, but met rarely and always approved the
legislation submitted to it.
Fourthly, Franco’s Spain was a highly
centralised state with power vested in Madrid. The regime abolished
regional government and passed laws against the use of the Basque and
the Catalan languages. In addition, the Catholic Church became once
again the official religion of Spain and central to the national
education system.
The other key political characteristics of
Franco’s Spain were the strict control over the media which did much to
enhance Franco’s personality cult and the absence of basic human rights
which made open dissent a hazardous occupation. Over 200,000 passed
though the prison system during Franco’s rule, 2% of the total male
population. (Giles Tremlett –
Ghosts of Spain: 41) Along with this
anti-liberalism, Franco’s other main political characteristic was his
trenchant anti-socialism. But unlike his other political views or his
anti-Semitism and obsession with free-mason conspiracies, his opposition
to socialism would make him powerful international friends during the
Cold War.
Franco remained hopeful of an Axis victory
right up until VE-day. Even after then, Franco’s support for the ideals
of European fascism was undiminished. The Spanish state provided one
hundred active German Nazis with new identities and political asylum.
(Preston ‘Franco’s Nazi Haven’ - History Today, July 1997, pp.
8-10) In December 1943 Franco had told the German ambassador that he not
expect his regime to survive defeat of the Axis powers. (Stanley Payne –
The Franco Regime 1946-76 p.343) Indeed, in 1945, with Spain
denied entry into the United Nations and subject to an international
economic boycott, the prospects for Franco seemed bleak.
Politically Franco faced threats from all
sides. In March 1945, Don Juan de Borbón
the son of Alfonso XIII, produced his ‘Lausanne Address’ calling on
Franco to abandon power in favour of a constitutional monarchy. In
response, a senior group of monarchists went as far as to nominate the
members of a provisional government and to draft the text of the decree
to restore the monarchy. And from the other extreme, Franco faced
full-scale guerrilla war led by Republican exile ‘maquis’
in the north and east. Socio-economically, the late 1940s are known
in Spain as the ‘años de hambre’,
the years of hunger. This was a time when there were no cats and dogs on
streets, as they either died of starvation or were eaten. In the cities
there were daily power cuts, cigarettes were sold one at a time and the
rural poor ate boiled grass and weeds. Real wages in 1951 were a mere
60% of their 1936 level. (Knight - The Spanish Civil War
p.120) The
problems were exacerbated by Franco’s fascistic inspired economic policy
of autarky which provided an ideological basis for Spain’s isolation but
prevented any steps towards the much needed modernisation of the
economy. The result was that industrial production in 1948 was no better
than 1929 levels. (Carr – Modern Spainp.156) In the end, were it not
for imports from Peron’s Argentina, full-scale famine would have been
likely. (John Hooper, The New Spaniards p.13)
The reasons why Franco survived these most
difficult of years goes some way to explaining why Franco was able to
stay in power until his death in 1975. We can identify four distinct
explanations for his survival in this period.
Firstly, the international community,
although generally hostile, was unwilling to take action to remove
Franco. For the British Foreign Office, Franco may have been an
‘unfortunate anomaly’, but he was also unlikely to give up power without
plunging Spain once again into civil war. Spain was not under threat
from Stalin’s encroachment from the east, but if Franco was removed the
Spanish left would be the most obvious beneficiary. As Churchill argued,
‘should the Communists become master of Spain, we must expect the
infection to spread very fast though Italy and France’. (Preston,
p.521) As the Cold War began to take hold, the regime’s fascistic
origins and Franco’s enthusiastic support for Hitler and Mussolini was
quietly forgotten. What mattered now was Spain’s strategic position and
Franco’s well-documented, fervent anti communism. Allied
non-intervention after the war helped Franco, just as it had during the
civil war.
The second reason for Franco’s survival was
his control over the Spanish state which provided both a compliant media
and the extensive machinery of coercion. The Catholic Church was a loyal
supporter and though its monopoly control of education did much to
reinforce the regime. The Falange, although less significant after the
war, still played an important role in organising spontaneous mass
demonstrations of support. With the defeat of the Axis powers, Franco’s
propaganda machine went into overdrive rewriting the history of the war
and Spain’s role within it. Franco was now proclaimed as the ‘Caudillo
of Peace’ and the end of the war was ‘Franco’s Victory’. According to
the newspaper ABC, Franco must have been ‘chosen by God’ for ‘when
everything was obscure, he saw clearly and sustained and defended
Spain’s neutrality’. (Preston
Franco p351) When Don Juan de
Borbón made his dangerous
Lausanne Address, censorship ensured that nothing was reported in the
Spanish press. Although the civil war was officially over, Franco’s
Spain remained on a war footing in order to counter the subversive
threats from within. In the state budget of 1946, 45% was dedicated to
the police the Civil Guard and the army ‘the apparatus of repression’.
Franco p.549)
The third reason is very much to be
explained in terms of Franco’s personality, which gave Franco a curious
mixture of acute political adroitness and messianic blind faith
in his own survival. Even the most critical commentators will grant that
Franco had a remarkable ability to strengthen his own position by
judicious and carefully balanced use of his powers of patronage. For
example, when the great powers met at Potsdam with threatening plans to
democratise the Axis countries and their allies, Franco responded by
reducing the influence in his cabinet of the pro-Axis members of Falange.
One of the key appointments saw foreign minister Lequerica with his
reputation of ‘being more German than the Germans’ (Payne – Franco and
Hitlerp.253) replaced by the monarchist Martín-Artajo who was charged
with producing a liberal sounding bill of rights, Fuero de los Españoles
(1945). It did nothing to weaken Franco’s own position but was one of a
number of measures designed to create favourable foreign perceptions.
Franco’s personality also exhibited a fatalistic belief in his own
destiny to govern Spain. Not only was he not going to give up, more
importantly he would show no signs of giving up, Franco ‘has skin like a
rhinoceros’ bemoaned one British Foreign Office official.
‘The monumental egotism that lay at the
heart of his being enabled him to shrug off the demise of his erstwhile
benefactors Hitler and Mussolini as matters of little significance
relative to his own providential mission’ (Preston,
Franco 532-33)
The worse the news, he once advised,
the bigger one must smile. ‘I will not make the same mistake as General
Primo de Rivera’ Franco said ‘I don’t resign. For me, it’s straight from
here to the cemetery’ (Preston
Franco 546) He kept a
photographof the mutilated body of Mussolini
(see right) as a reminder of his fate if he failed to hold on to power. It helped
that he lived in a megalomaniac’s fantasy world, where Spain’s energy
problems would be solved by synthetic gasoline and the British Labour
Party’s landslide election victory was brought about by the votes of 12
million freemasons.
‘Perhaps because there was always an element
of fantasy about what he did, he was able, without a backward glance, to
create a new goal, his own political survival, which he interpreted and
projected publicly as a life and death struggle for the very soul of
Spain.. (Preston,
So when Franco brazenly consistently denied
after 1945 that he had expected Spain to join the Axis powers during the
war, it is impossible to say whether Franco was lying or had come to
believe his own propaganda. This can make it difficult for historians to
make objective judgments on Franco.
TOK – Ways of
How can we
know why people in the past acted the way that they did?
Why did you
decide to study history for your IB Diploma? Are you certain
about your reasons? If asked why you chose to study history,
would you give the same answer at a university entrance
interview as you would to your friends? If you were asked in
ten years time, would your answer still be the same? We
often read historical accounts which lay claim to know why
decisions were made or what an individual in the past
intended to achieve. In the light of the observations about
Franco above, make a list of the difficulties of knowing for
certain why people in the past acted the way that they did.
The final reason for Franco’s survival was
perhaps the least tangible, but most long-lasting. In Spain the legacy
of the civil war resulted in prevailing concern to maintain peace at
almost any cost. The civil war had left deep social and cultural scars,
attempts to remove Franco, risked reopening these scars plunging Spain
into a renewed civil war. Spain had been in the words of Paul Preston,
‘traumatized. This legacy does much to explain the attitude that has
dominated Spanish life until very recently, el pacto del olvido,
the pact of forgetting. To live in the present one must be prepared to
By a variety of means then Franco survived.
And more than this, by the beginning of the 1950s, Franco’s position was
becoming secure. Domestically, the threat from Republican exiles had
receded and an accommodation had been reached with the monarchists. Don
Juan de Borbón’s son, Juan Carlos was to
succeed Franco but Franco was to retain responsibility for future King’s
education. Internationally, first moves towards reintegration came with
a Concordat with the Vatican and as the Cold War intensified so also did
Spain’s potential usefulness to the USA. With the 1953 visit of
President Eisenhower and the resultant Pact of Madrid, an agreement was
reached with the United States to give Franco considerable financial aid
in return for the establishment of four U.S. military bases in Spain.
writing skill – the importance of the PEE paragraph.
paragraph construction is essential to any effective essay.
Each paragraph should contribute a distinct point that
contributes to your answer to the question set. The section
above answers the key question ‘How did Franco survive the
defeat of the Axis powers?’ The paragraphs follow a very
common pattern for writing essays in history of making a big
point in the first sentence, which is then
explained and illustrated with examples. (PEE) A
good test of how well you have planned your essay, is to ask
yourself whether you can reduce the whole essay to just the
first sentences (big points). If an essay is well planned
you should be able to reduce it to a relatively small number
(say 4 or 5) of big points or first sentences.
down the four big points of the essay ‘How did Franco
survive the defeat of the Axis powers
Which of
the four big points is the weakest or least persuasive?
Explain how you have reached this conclusion and suggest
how it might be improved.
With a
partner write two new essay plans for the same
question. One of you should make three big points and
your partner should make five. The new essay plans
should include the same content as the original essay.