International School History - European Schools - S6 4 hour option

S6 4hr History Last update - 09 November 2017 Official European School History S6 Syllabus: English, French, German
Optional Theme - 6.4B Culture and Society before 1945 - syllabus
Key Questions and learning and assessment objectives. Lessons Additional materials and external links
What is the s6 history compulsory research assignment?


PowerPoint from the lesson

Planning and approval sheet to be completed and returned.



Examples of students films from previous years.

What are the key documentary film-making techniques?

What is non-political history? PowerPoint from the lesson.

Read a detailed non-political history of 1914-45, an illustrated extract from Eric Hobsbawm's Age of Extremes who examines the arts and popular culture.

Articles from Making History, developed by the Institute of Historical Research: Eric Evans - What is social history? Miri Rubin - What is Cultural History?

Dai Smith - What is the history of popular culture?

Raymond Williams - An example of cultural history - Five key new words of the 19th century.

Intellectual history 1 - What was Marx's contribution to the history of ideas?

Keep your notes from this section safe. You will need them again in s7 and our study on China.

What is Marxism? PowerPoint and worksheet.

Marx's 1859 preface

Cartoon explanation of historical materialism.

Video on the history of socialism and a transcript of the video.

Communist Manifesto (edited to essentials)

Comedian Mark Steel's video  'lecture' on Marx.

What is Leninism? - worksheet

Article from Making History, developed by the Institute of Historical Research: Stefan Collini - What is intellectual history?

Series of short animations from BBC Radio explain key ideas from intellectual history.

Video presented by the English Marxist sociologist Stuart Hall. My former teacher Alex Callinicos and the world's most famous Marxist geographer, David Harvey explain Marxism as only Marxists can do - video.

Want to study sociology at Yale? Professor Iván Szelényi explains Marx's historical materialism as part of a series of lectures on Marxism.

The Marxist internet archive for just about everything you will ever need about Marx and Marxism in whatever language you want.

For economics students, this three part documentary series includes an episode on Marx.
Intellectual history 2 - What was Einstein's contribution to the history of ideas? What is Einstein's general theory of relativity? Worksheet.

Video - The brilliant Jacob Bronowski's explanation of the Einstein's general theory of relativity.

Video - Bronowski demonstrates the relationship between nuclear physics and abstract modernist art.


Comedian Mark Steel's video 'lectures' on Marx, Einstein and Freud.

Biographical documentary about Einstein from the History Channel.

Video - Bronowski explains the origins and development of atomic power.
Intellectual history 3 - What was Freud's contribution to the history of ideas? What does it mean to be Freudian? Worksheet

Short Freud documentary film by Adam Sternberg.

A quiz to test on your factual knowledge of intellectual history.

Comedian Mark Steel's video 'lectures' on Marx, Einstein and Freud.

Read Freud's famous Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis.

Want to study psychology at Yale? Professor Paul Bloom provides an introductory lecture to the work of Freud.

A biographical documentary film about Freud from the History Channel.

The brilliant, award-winning BBC documentary The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis examines the legacy of Freud


Social and economic history 1 - What was the Belle Époque?
Edited Video from the lesson (24 minutes)

...and accompanying worksheet to be completed.

Age of Hope - Full 60 minutes video on the period before the First World War from 1990s documentary series People's Century. Website for the series.

BBC news correspondents present personal perspectives on the capital cities of the major European powers that, later in 1914, would face each other in the First World War.

Video - New technologies created new dangers in the home of the Belle Époque.


Social and economic history 2 - What were the social and economic consequences of the WWI for Europe? Worksheet on the impact of the First World War on the standards of living and the lives of women.

Table to be completed.


Brilliant documentary - The impact of WWI - Cambridge Historian. David Reynolds traces the legacy of the Great War across 100 years and 10 different countries, examining how the war haunted a generation and shaped the peace that followed.
Social and economic history 3 - What was the post-war American ‘boom’ and what caused it? Worksheet on the post war American boom.
BBC schools video - Boom and Bust as seen in the lesson.

Fordism Video seen in the lesson.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 182-90.


Full length video on the impact of the production line in the world economy of the 1920s and 30s. Website for the series.

How does the US political system work? Information sheet.
The brilliant, award-winning BBC documentary The Century of the Self examines the origins of consumerism.

BBC Video series 'American Voices'. Episode 2.
Alistair Cooke's America is a classic 13 part history of the USA produced in 1972.

Episode 10


Social and economic history 4 - Continuity rather than change: whose lives were not transformed by modernity? Worksheet on the case study of the USA in the 1920s.

Walsh GCSE Modern World History 191-204.

John Steinbeck's novel the Grapes of Wrath focuses on the rural poor. The 1940 Hollywood film won John Ford an Oscar for Best Director .

BBC Video series 'American Voices'. Episode 2 and 5.


Cultural History 1 - What is modernism?
Worksheets on Modernism and James Joyce.
Prezi presentation as seen in lesson
The Challenge... A Tribute to Modern Art a classic 1974 American documentary film directed by Herbert Kline and narrated by Orson Welles.

Why does Stravinsky sound awful [the first time]? A brilliant description and explanation of the riot and more by Jonah Lehrer.

Why was Cezanne so revolutionary? -  Essay by Jonah Lehrer.
The world's first skyscraper - Guardian

K. Clark's classic Civilisation television documentary series examines the impact of modernity on art.


Cultural History 2 - What was the impact of the First World War on the arts?

Worksheet on the cultural impact of the First World War.

Prezi presentation as seen in lesson.

Short video on Paul Nash.

Excellent video examining in detail Otto Dix's Dresden Triptych

BBC animation showing the impact of World War One on visual art.


Short introductory video from the Open University on the impact of the First World War on modernism.

Recent BBC article - June 2014 - on the art of WWI.

Imperial War Museum London exhibition - Truth and Memory: British Art of the First World War. Until 8 March 2015

Brilliant documentary - The impact of WWI - Cambridge Historian. David Reynolds traces the legacy of the Great War across 100 years and 10 different countries, examining how the war haunted a generation and shaped the peace that followed.


Cultural History 3 - How and why did professional sport develop in the early 20th century? Video from lesson and worksheet to complete.
Two videos from the People's Century series deal with popular culture - cinema and sport before 1945. Website for the series.


Cultural History 4 - How and why did cinema become so popular by the 1930s?


Video from lesson and worksheet to complete.
Watch a short extract from the film Hugo on the early days of cinema and the pioneer Georges Méliès.

Film as the seventh art and as a political tool. A series of key films from the period.

A quiz to test on your factual knowledge of the arts and popular culture.


See my IB Film website for an historical overview of films in the period 1900-30.

More on Eadweard Muybridge

Paul Merton's documentary of early cinema.

2015 is the 100th anniversary of the first and most controversial feature film Birth of a Nation - BBC report.

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari recent 2014 re-release.




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